dc:title"A taxonomic review of the Crypticerya species (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Monophlebidae) of the southwestern United States and Mexico, including description of a new species from Baja California";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Crypticerya littoralis adult Ψ. A. Antenna; B. Simple multilocular pore with bilocular centre and five outer loculi; C. Simple multilocular pore with trilocular centre and three outer loculi; D. Flagellate seta; E. Simple multilocular pore, similar to vulvar pore, with bilocular centre and six outer loculi; F. Simple multilocular pore, similar to vulvar pore, with bilocular centre and five outer loculi; G. Simple multilocular pore with bilocular centre and nine outer loculi; H. Flagellate seta present in ovisac band; I. Simple multilocular pore with trilocular centre and eight outer loculi; J. Hindleg; K. Vulvar multilocular pore; L. Anal multilocular pore; M. Abdominal spiracle; N. Simple multilocular pore with bilocular centre and seven outer loculi; O. Short hair-like seta; P. Long hair-like seta.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Crypticerya littoralis first-instar nymph. A. Flagellate seta; B. Simple multilocular pore with bilocular centre and four outer loculi; C. Abdominal spiracle; D. Anal tube; E. Long hair-like seta; F. Simple multilocular pore with bilocular centre and seven outer loculi.";