dc:description"FIGURES 9–. SEM images of Craspedostauros laevissimus (sample 11). 29. External valve view.30.Close up of the central area of the same valve showing the expanded central raphe endings and cribrate areolae.31. Close up of the apex of the same valve showing the bent and expanded distal raphe endings and a cribrate areola with two central pores (white arrow). Note the presence of areolae and pores around the raphe endings on the apex (black arrows).32. External valve view.33. Same valve, close up of the central area with the expanded and slightly curved central raphe endings.Arrow shows a cribrate areola with three central pores. 34. Same valve, close up of the apex with white arrows showing the presence of both areolae with and without central pores. Note also the presence of areolae and pores on the apex (black arrows). Scale bars = 5 μm (Figs 29, 32); 1 μm (Figs 30, 31, 33–34).";
dc:description"FIGURES 5 –56. SEM images of Craspedostauros confusus sp. nov. from the type population (sample 14). 52. Internal valve view. 53. Close up of the central area internally, showing the narrow stauros on a wider hyaline area, the central raphe endings with double helictoglossa and the rounded to elliptic internal areolar openings. Arrow shows an areola with seven central pores, visible internally. 54. Close up of the apex with the pores of cribrate areolae internally (arrows). 55. Close up of the central area of another valve of the same population, showing once again the narrow stauros, the internal central raphe endings with double helictoglossa and rounded internal areolar openings. 56. Close up of the apex with rounded to elliptic and even somewhat irregular in shape internal areolar openings. Scale bars = 5 μm (Fig. 52); 1 μm (Figs 53–56).";
dc:description"FIGURES 86–90. SEM images of Craspedostauros confusus sp. nov. and C. laevissimus from several populations from Livingston Island. 86. External valve view of Craspedostauros laevissimus (sample LT10). 87. Close up of the striae of the same valve, showing the occasionally present enlarged areolae near the raphe, without central pores (arrow). Note the density of areolae in comparison to Fig. 88 below. 88–90. Close ups of the central area (Fig. 88) and apices (Figs 88–90) of Craspedostauros confusus sp. nov. (sample MO’), showing the typically enlarged cribrate areolae near the raphe, usually with several central pores. Scale bars = 5 μm (Fig. 86); 1 μm (Figs 87–90).";