dc:creator"Sánchez-Nivicela, Juan C.; Urgiles, Veronica L.; Navarrete, María José; Yánez-Muñoz, Mario H.; Ron, Santiago";
dc:title"A bizarre new species of Lynchius (Amphibia, Anura, Strabomantidae) from the Andes of Ecuador and first report of Lynchius parkeri in Ecuador";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Map showing the type locality of the new species Lynchius megacephalus (yellow dot) from Ecological Conservation Area Tinajillas Río Gualaceño-Morona Santiago province, Ecuador (elevation: 2800 m), and localities of Lynchius parkeri (red squares) from Yacuri National Park, Laguna Jimbura-Loja province, Ecuador (elevation: 2990–3397 m) and previously known localities from Peru (red squares with a black point). The bold black line represents the boundary between Ecuador, Peru, and Colombia. Locality details are shown in Appendix 2. Abbreviations are Colombia = COL, Ecuador = ECU, Peru = PER.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Phylogenetic relationships of Lynchius species. Maximum-likelihood tree obtained from analyses of mitochondrial (12S, 16S, and ND1) and nuclear (RAG and Tyr) DNA sequences from 14 specimens of Lynchius (excluding outgroup taxa). Numbers before slashes correspond to Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP); asterisks (*) represent PP = 1.0. Numbers after slashes are ML bootstrap support (BB) values; asterisks (*) represent BB = 100. PP and BB values <0.50 or 50, respectively are not shown. Museum number and country are shown for each specimen. Locality is also shown for L. megacephalus sp. n. and L. parkeri. Locality details, as well as voucher, GenBank accession numbers, and literature references are provided in Appendix 2.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Skull of holotype of Lynchius megacephalus sp. n. (adult female) in (A) dorsal (B) ventral, and (C) lateral view, with visible exostosis and ornamentation (with wrinkled appearance), and (D) lateral view of the mandible (grey region represents the site of the articulation of the maxilla with the quadratojugal).";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. (A) Vertebral column and pelvic griddle, (B) pectoral grid, C) arm and D) foot of the holotype of Lynchius megacephalus, sp. n (adult female).";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Holotype of Lynchius megacephalus sp. n. in preservative. (A) Dorsal view, (B) ventral view, (C) profile view of the head, (D) lateral view.";