dc:title"The genus Eunotia Ehrenb. (Bacillariophyta) in the Cheremsky Nature Reserve, Ukrainian Polissya, and refined terminology relevant to the raphe system morphology";
dc:description"Figures 13 - 27. New and rare in Ukraine species of Eunotia Ehrenb. from Ukrainian Polissya and the Lectotypes of two Eunotia species. 13, 13 a Eunotia pseudoflexuosa Hust., arrow indicates rimoportula at the middle of pole where raphe slit distal end finishes on the outer valve surface, double arrow - position of terminal fissure distal end on the outer valve surface, between the arrows - hyaline field from inside valve surface where the terminal fissure is located on the outer valve surface 14 Eunotia ruzickae Bily & Marvan 15, 16 Eunotia implicata Noerpel-Schempp et al. Lectotype: 15 = Eunotia impressa var. angusta Grunow in Van Heurck 1881: pl. 33 / fig. 22, designated here 17, 17 a Eunotia sp. 2 (Eunotia cf. mongolica Kulikovskiy et al.) 18 - 20 Eunotia sp. 3 (cf. Eunotia paludosa Grunow) 21 - 23 Eunotia incisa W. Smith ex Gregory. Lectotype: 23 = Eunotia incisa W. Smith ex Gregory 1854: pl. 4 / fig. 4, designated here 24 Eunotia sp. 4 (cf. Eunotia intermedia (Krasske ex Hustedt) Noerpel & Lange-Bert.) 25 - 27 Eunotia sp. 5 (cf. Eunotia meridiana Metzeltin & Lange-Bert.). Figs 13, 17, 18 SEM: 13, 13 a inside valve surface 17, 17 a, 18 outside valve surface; 19 - 28 LM. Scale bars: 10 µm (13 - 17, 19 - 27); 5 µm (18); 1 µm (13 a, 17 a).";