dc:description"Figure 16. Pulchriphyllium scythe (Gray, 1843) stat. rev., comb. nov. herein designated lectotype female, photographs by Robert Douglas (OUMNH) A habitus, dorsal B habitus, ventral C detail of the front leg, dorsal D data label E detail of the genitalia, ventral F detail of the antenna, head, and anterior of the thorax, dorsal.";
dc:description"Figure 17. Live females of Pulchriphyllium scythe (Gray, 1843) stat. rev., comb. nov. A adult female, dorsal habitus, found near Makunda Christian Hospital, Karimganj District, Assam, 20 April 2016, photographed by Vijay Anand Ismavel (India), (https: // www. inaturalist. org / observations / 4311333) B adult female, dorsal habitus, found in Assam 788727, India, 27 December 2017, photographed by iNaturalist user @ lovelymonlamin (https: // www. inaturalist. org / observations / 30552832) C adult female, dorsal habitus, found in Assam 788727, India, 27 August 2019, photographed by Dwithun Moshahary, (https: // www. inaturalist. org / observations / 51076352) D female nymph, dorsal habitus, found in Vaisam, Damchhara R. F., Tripura, India, 12 August 2020, photographed by Michael Lalruatfela (India) E female nymph, dorsal habitus, found near Makunda Christian Hospital, Karimganj District, Assam, 9 June 2019, photographed by Vijay Anand Ismavel (India), (https: // www. inaturalist. org / observations / 29119549) F same individual as in D but dorso-anterior view. Photographs used were uploaded to iNaturalist and are here used under license (CC BY-NC 4.0) or with explicit permission by the photographer.";
dc:description"Figure 18. Live males and nymphs of Pulchriphyllium scythe (Gray, 1843) stat. rev., comb. nov. A male habitus, dorsal, found in Vaisam, Damchhara R. F., Tripura, India, 30 June 2019 and photographed by Michael Lalruatfela (India) B male habitus, dorsal, found in Badshahi Forest, Assam, India, 18 September 2020 and photographed by Rejoice Gassah (India) (https: // www. inaturalist. org / observations / 64092851) C nymph, dorso lateral view, found in Lawachara National Park, 31 July 2019, photographed by Hassan-al Razi Chayan (Bangladesh) (https: // www. inaturalist. org / observations / 103359437) D nymph, dorso-anterior view, found in Dosdewa Khasi Village, Katamoni, Assam, India, 24 April 2021 and photographed by Rejoice Gassah (India) (https: // www. inaturalist. org / observations / 79254856). Photographs used were uploaded to iNaturalist and here used under license (CC BY-NC 4.0) or with explicit permission by the photographer.";
dc:description"Figure 21. Adult female profemoral lobes from various Pulchriphyllium species for comparison A Pulchriphyllium crurifolium stat. rev., comb. nov. (NHMUK) B Pulchriphyllium bioculatum from West Malaysia (Coll RC 16 - 038) C Pulchriphyllium scythe stat. rev., comb. nov. from Sylhet, Bangladesh (OUMNH) D Pulchriphyllium pulcrifolum from Java, Indonesia (Coll RC 16 - 024) E Pulchriphyllium bhaskarai sp. nov. from Java, Indonesia (MZPW).";
dc:description"Figure 15. Distribution map for the herein discussed Pulchriphyllium species with known records plotted. For data on the distribution points used for this map, see Suppl. material 1 A distribution of the \" Pulchriphyllium bioculatum - like species \" B distribution of the Pulchriphyllium species from mainland Asia with a boxy abdominal shape (inset outline in A). Abbreviations: KH, Cambodia; LA, Laos; TH, Thailand; VN, Vietnam.";