dc:description"Figure 2. Bellatoiulus golovatchi gen. et sp. nov., male paratype (ZMUM). A head, ventral view B right antenna, lateral view C leg pair 1, frontal view D right leg 2, frontal view E left leg 3, caudal view F ozopores in midbody rings, lateral view G posterior part of body, lateral view. Abbreviation: ap adhesive pads. Scale bars: 0.1 mm (A, B, G); 0.01 mm (C); 0.02 mm (D, E, F).";
dc:description"Figure 5. Bellatoiulus golovatchi gen. et sp. nov., male cybertype. A habitus, lateral view B anterior half of body, lateral view C anterior half of body with highlighted gonopods, lateral view D anterior body part with highlighted gonopods, ventral view. Abbreviation: g gonopods. Images not to scale.";
dc:description"Figure 8. Bellatoiulus golovatchi gen. et sp. nov., female cybertype. A habitus, lateral view B anterior and posterior body parts, ventrolateral and dorso-lateral views, respectively C anterior and posterior body parts with highlighted vulvae, lateral views D anterior body part with highlighted vulvae, ventral view. Abbreviation: v vulvae. Images not to scale.";
dc:description"Figure 7. Bellatoiulus golovatchi gen. et sp. nov., female paratypes (ZMUM) A-C and NMNHS D). A right leg 2, caudal view B left vulva, caudal view C right vulva, fronto-mesal, slightly apical view D right vulva, fronto-mesal view. Abbreviations: at anterior tube bu bursa hp hyaline protrusions mc median cleft mf median field op operculum pt posterior tube. Scale bars: 0.03 mm (A); 0.02 mm (B, C); 0.1 mm (D).";
dc:description"Figure 3. Bellatoiulus golovatchi gen. et sp. nov., male paratype (NMNHS). A right ventral edge of pleurotergum 7, ventro-lateral view B penis, caudal view C left promere, caudal view D left opisthomere, lateral, slightly caudal view E left opisthomere, mesal view. Abbreviations: bl basofrontal lobe fo fovea lp lateral process mg median grove mp mesal process mr mesal ridge ms mesomeral process ic (supposed) inner canal s solenomere, sc sperm canal. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 4. Bellatoiulus golovatchi gen. et sp. nov., male paratype (ZMUM). A left gonopods, mesal view (promere strongly turned mesad) B right gonopods, fronto-lateral view C left gonopods, frontal view D mesal process of right promere, fronto-lateral view E end of left opisthomere, meso-frontal view F end of right opisthomere, fronto-lateral view. Abbreviations: bl basofrontal lobe fo apical fovea lp lateral process mg median groove mp mesal process mr mesal ridge ms mesomeral process o opisthomere p promere s solenomere sc sperm canal. Scale bars: 0.03 mm (A, B, F); 0.02 mm (C, D, E).";
dc:description"Figure 6. Bellatoiulus golovatchi gen. et sp. nov., male cybertype. A gonopods, caudal view B gonopods, frontal view C gonopods, lateral view D gonopods, ventral view E left gonopod, mesal view. Abbreviations: bl basofrontal lobe lp lateral process mp mesal process ms mesomeral process o opisthomere p promere s solenomere. Images not to scale.";
dc:description"Figure 9. Bellatoiulus golovatchi gen. et sp. nov., female cybertype. A vulvae, caudal view B vulvae, frontal view C vulvae, ventral view D vulvae, dorsal view E right vulva, lateral view D right vulva, mesal view. Abbreviations: bu bursa mc median cleft mf median field op operculum. Images not to scale.";