dc:description"FIGURE 5. Fergusobia juliae n. sp. (all in lateral view): A, Entire infective female; B, Head of infective female; C, Tails of infective females; D, Entire parthenogenetic female; E, Head of parthenogenetic female; F, Tails of parthenogenetic females; G, Entire male; H, Head of male; I, Tails of males. Scale bars: A, D, G = 50 μm. B, E, H = 5 μm. Tails not drawn to scale. Line drawings indicate ranges of habitus of the various stages.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Habitus drawings of Fergusobia spp. (most undescribed) collected from flower bud galls (P and Q redrawn from Siddiqi 1994): A, F. ptychocarpae from C. ptychocarpa; B, F. eugeniodae n. sp. from E. eugenioides; C, F. j u l i a e n. sp. from E. macrorrhyncha; D, MSp 27 from E. obliqua; E, MSp 65 from E. obliqua; F, MSp 64 from E. pauciflora; G, F. tumifaciens from E. bridgesiana (formerly stuartiana); H, MSp 54 from E. tereticornis; I, F. fasciculosae n. sp. from E. fasciculosa; J, F. morrisae n. sp. from E. fibrosa; K, MSp 71 from E. largiflorens; L, MSp 72 from E. melliodora; M, Msp 22 from E. microcarpa; N, Msp 75 from E. populnea; O, Msp 62 from E. pruinosa; P, F. brevicauda from E deglupta; Q, F. philippinensis from E. deglupta. Scale bars = 50 μm. MSp numbers as in Davies et al. (2012).";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. The Bayesian consensus tree inferred from D 2 / D 3 under TVM + I + G model (lnL = 4001.6121; freqA = 0.2903; freqC = 0.1443; freqG = 0.2394; freqT = 0.3259; R (a) = 0.8475; R (b) = 3.4236; R (c) = 1.9889; R (d) = 0.455; R (e) = 3.4236; R (f) = 1; Pinva = 0.522; Shape = 0.5933). Posterior probability values exceeding 50 % are given on appropriate clades. (Tree labels comprise nematode species, location (Australia state code), gall type, host plant species and GenBank accession number.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. The Bayesian consensus tree inferred from COI under GTR + I + G model (lnL = 3999.9661; freqA = 0.2104; freqC = 0.1017; freqG = 0.1948; freqT = 0.4931; R (a) = 1.2258; R (b) = 7.2392; R (c) = 1.5064; R (d) = 0.0698; R (e) = 4.1806; R (f) = 1; Pinva = 0.5476; Shape = 1.5992). Posterior probability values exceeding 50 % are given on appropriate clades.";