dc:title"A new species of Abyssocladia (Porifera, Demospongiae, Poecilosclerida, Cladorhizidae) and other carnivorous sponges from the far eastern Solomon Islands";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Abyssocladia lakwollii sp. nov. in situ, images taken from remote-operated vehicle (ROV), far eastern Solomon Islands: A. sponges clustered on hydrothermal chimneys, arrows point to putative specimens of Asbestopluma (Asbestopluma) desmophora; B. close-up of Abyssocladia lakwollii sp. nov. showing halo of filaments around disc-shaped body; C. another view of clusters of Abyssocladia lakwollii sp. nov. and translucent clouds of bacteria; D. close-up of Abyssocladia lakwollii s p. nov. showing terminal swellings on the radiating filaments. Scale bar of D approximated from the ROV laser pointers which are 63 mm apart. Image credit: Bluewater Metals (Solomon Islands) Ltd / Neptune Minerals, Inc.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Abyssocladia lakwollii sp. nov.: A. holotype NIWA 81633 left, eight specimens to right of holotype are paratypes included under accession number NIWA 81378; B. paratype NIWA 81379; C. mycalostyle I; D. mycalostyle II; E. head and tip of mycalostyle II; F. substrongyle of the attachment base; G. anchorate isochelae I with sigmancistras attached; H. anchorate isochela II with sigmancistras attached; I. arcuate isochela III; J. cleistochelae with sigmancistras attached. Note crossed central upper and lower teeth. K. likely immature cleistochela; L. sigmancistras.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Abyssocladia lakwollii sp. nov.: A. section through specimen with broken peduncle on Fig. 2 A, far right; B. enlarged detail of the disc.";