dc:description"FIGURE 1. Living specimens of some high Andean species of genus Dendropsophus. A) D. bogerti, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia (MRC 999, SVL = 32.6 mm, female); B) D. carnifex, Maquipucuna, Pichincha, Ecuador (QCAZ 42387, SVL = 32.6 mm, female); C) D. columbianus, Calima, Valle del Cauca, Colombia (MRC 920, SVL = 33.2 mm, female); D) D. garagoensis, Garagoa, Boyacá, Colombia (MRC 730, SVL = 28.3 mm, female); E) D. labialis, San Juanito, Meta, Colombia (MRC 644, SVL = 42.6 mm, male); F) D. meridensis, Merida, Venezuela (voucher number unknown); G) D. padreluna, Fusagasuga, Cundinamarca, Colombia (specimen not collected); H) D. virolinensis, Virolín, Santander, Colombia (MAR 2298, SVL = 25.4 mm, male). The specimens are not to scale. Photos: M. Rivera-Correa (A, C-D) S. Ron (B); M. Rada (E, H); F. Rojas-Runjaic (F); H. Bernal (G).";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Ventral color patterns of females of some Dendropsophus species from the highlands of the Andes of Colombia. (A) Dendropsophus norandinus sp. nov. MHUA-A 3781 (holotype); (B) D. bogerti MHUA-A 4599; (C) D. columbianus MHUA-A 3583; (D) D. garagoensis ICN 17803; (E) D. padreluna ICN 22021 (paratype); (F) D. praestans ICN 7559. The specimens are not to scale. Photos: M. Rivera-Correa.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Drawings of holotype of Dendropsophus norandinus sp. nov. (MHUA-A 3781). (A) Lateral, and (B) dorsal views of the head; (C) palmar, (D) plantar views of left hand and foot. Scale bar = 5 mm. Drawings: M. Rivera-Correa.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Tadpole of Dendropsophus norandinus sp. nov. from the type locality (MHUA-L 0153 - 1). (A) lateral, (B) dorsal, (C) ventral views; scale bar = 5 mm; (D) Oral disc, scale bar = 1 mm. Photos and drawing: M. Rivera-Correa.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Map showing the known distribution of Dendropsophus norandinus sp. nov. The star indicates the only two know localities, which are separated by 10 Km.";