dc:description"FIGURE 2. Semi-schematic drawings Oziella virgata n. sp. females (A – F) and Oziella ovalis n. sp. (G – L). Prodorsal shield (A, L), coxigenital area (B, K), Leg I (D, G), Leg II (C, H), empodium I (E, I), tarsal solenidion I (F, J). Scale bar: A = 25 µm; B = 20 µm; C, D, G, H = 30 µm; E, F, I, J = 10 µm; K = 30 µm; L = 25 µm. Notations: adm — admedian line; sm 1 – 5 — submedian lines 1 to 5 correspondingly.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. CLSM images of Oziella virgata n. sp. A, B, C, D — four images showing variation of the prodorsal shield ornamentation; E — female external genitalia; F — nymph coxigenital area; G — male coxigenital area; H — male external genitalia; I — spermathecal apparatus. Scale bar: A, B, C, D = 15 µm; E, F, G, H, I = 10 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Microphotographs of remounted Oziella virgata n. sp. A (DIC LM) & B (PCLM) — prodorsal shield; C — whole mites (pseudo dark field PC LM), D — empodium I and arrowed u' I (PC LM), E — coxigenital area (DIC LM). Scale bar: A, B = 15 µm; C = 100 µm; D = 4 µm; E = 20 µm. Note: in D, the empodium is slightly curved and appears to have fewer rays (9 / 5) than it actually has (10 / 9).";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Findings of Oziella virgata n. sp. (A, C, D) and Oziella ovalis n. sp. (B) in the Russian Far East. Note: This slightly cropped map shows the location of the Far Eastern Federal District of Russia (highlighted) based on: en. wikipedia. org / wiki / Russian _ Far _ East.";