dc:description"Fig. 2. A - shell of adult ovigerous female, x40 (paratype, sample 7/3 bis); B - posterior of adult male shell, LV asymmetric compound gland (a), dorsomedial glands (d), medial glands (m), xl25 (holotype, sample 6/3]; C TODO posteroventral margin of adult male RV, asymmetric compound gland (a), medial glands (m), xl25 (holotype). All subsequent figures are of the same female paratype and male holotype. D - female Al (antennule) and frontal organ, xI25; E - male frontal organ (ornament of cap not shown), indicating position of erythrophores, x125; F - male frontal organ cap, detail, x500; G - male AI, detail of location of terminal bristles, 'a' and 'c' are 'pipe' bristles, 'b' is unusually short (good specific character), 'd' and 'e' are long, x125; H - male Al (antennule), detail of 'e' bristle armature, x500. I - female A2 endopod, showing 'a', 'b', and 'f'-'j' bristles, x125; J - male A2 endopod, processus mamillaris (pm) and 'a', 'b' bristles, x500; K - male A2 left (L) clasping organ, x500; L male A2 right (R) clasping organ, x500.";
dc:description"Fig. 3. M - female mandible, basale and endopod, showing location of exopod (e) and sites of minute setules (*) of the ventral first endopod segment, x125; N - male mandible general view, coxale, basale and endopod, showing minute epipodial bristle on medial hump of basale (near the coxale), exopod, and sites of minute setules (*) of the ventral first endopod segment, x125; 0 - male mandible, exopod showing the pistol-like proximal part and setal pilosity, x500; P - male mandible, detail of lunate bulge of ventral first endopod segment and its 2 minute setules x500; Q - male maxillule, second endopod segment (the 'hand'), detail of terminal claws and bristles, x500; R - female PI exopod, x125; S - male PI exopod third segment, detail of terminal bristles, x500; T - female P2 exopod, x125; U - male P2 epipod (detail of some Strahlen) and exopod (terminal bristles not shown), x125; V - male P2, detail of ends of reflexed terminal bristles, x125; W - female P3, x125; X - penis, x125; Y - female posterior of body, showing large eggs, x125; Z - male furca, x125.";