dc:title"First record of the plant bug genus Punctifulvius Schmitz from the Oriental Region, with descriptions of three new species (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae, Cylapinae)";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Habitus images of Punctifulvius kerzhneri, male from Hokkaido, Japan (A), P. aleksanderi n. sp., holotype female (B) and P. sakaerat n. sp., holotype male (C, D).";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Scanning electron micrographs of external structures of Punctifulvius aleksanderi n. sp. A. Head, dorsal view. B. Head and pronotum, anterior view. C. Same, ventral view. D. Body, lateral view. E. Head, lateral view. F. Metathoracic scent gland evaporative area. G. Metatarsus. H. Pretarsal claw, lateral view. I. Same, ventral view. J. Same, dorsal view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Punctifulvius aleksanderi n. sp., female genitalia. A. Genital apparatus, dorsal view. B. Bursa copulatrix, dorsal view. C, D. Posterior wall of bursa copulatrix. E. Apex o gonapophysis 9.";
dc:description"FIGURE 12. Distribution map of Punctifulvius spp. and Teratofulvioides punctatus. White circles—P. kerzhneri, pink star—P. sakaerat n. sp., yellow square—P. aleksanderi n. sp., orange hexagon—P. parvus n. sp., light blue circles—P. aquilonius, purple circles—P. austellus, red triangles—T. punctatus.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Habitat (A) and live individuals of Punctifulvius sakaerat n. sp. from Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand (A–H) and P. kerzhneri from Wakayama (Kumano Area), Japan (I–K). A. Fungal log under tropical dry forest just after the rainy season (October, 2008). B. Adult male. C, I. Adult female. D, J. Final (5th) instar immature form, male. E, K. Same, female. F–H. Final eclosion (emergence) of female.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Scanning electron micrographs for Punctifulvius sakaerat n. sp. (A−F) and P. kerzhneri (G–L), male specimens. A, G. Head and pronotum. B, H. Scutellum and clavus. C, I. Posterior forewing. D, J. Metathoracic scent efferent system. E, K. Pygophore, dorsal view. F, L. Parameres.";