dc:title"Lithophyllum artabricum V. Peña, sp. nov. (Corallinales, Rhodophyta): a cryptic species in the Atlantic Iberian Peninsula hitherto assigned to Lithophyllum stictiforme (Areschoug) Hauck";
dc:description"FIG. 1. — Habitat and habit of Lithophyllum artabricum V.Peña, sp. nov.: A-D, characteristic habitat of this species growing in subtidal bedrock, sometimes sciophilous, in the type locality (A), and other Galician localities (B-D, Cedeira, Cambre and Sisargas, respectively); E, F,gross morphology consisted on foliose lamellae or fan-like thallus,single or superimposed (arrow) observed in the specimen SANT-Algae 15006 (E) and in the holotype (F, SANT-33667); G, lower surface of the specimen showing concentric lines, particularly visible at the margins as the remaining surface is covered by sessile invertebrates (SANT-Algae 11666). Scale bars: E, 2 cm; F, G, 1 cm.";
dc:description"FIG. 4. — Morpho-anatomy of Lithophyllum artabricum V.Peña, sp. nov.: A, B, vertical section of the thallus showing a monomerous thallus construction with non-coaxial medulla; C, vertical section of the thallus showing cortical cells disposed in filaments laterally aligned; D, vertical section of the thallus showing a monomerous thallus construction with coaxial medulla, and a tetra/bisporangial uniporate conceptacle empty and buried; E, F, Vertical section of the thallus showing secondary pit-connections between contiguous filaments of cortical cells (arrows) and epithallial cells flattened disposed in 1-2 layers (arrowheads), G, surface view of the thallus showing polygonal epithallial cells; H, I, surface view of two different development stages of tetra/bisporangial uniporate conceptacles showing the pore flush with thallus surface (arrows). A, H, SANT-Algae 11671; B, C, holotype SANT-Algae 33667; D, E, SANT-Algae 26900; F, SANT-Algae 7046; G, SANT-Algae 11683; I, SANT-Algae 15006. Scale bars: A, B, D, 200 µm; C, G-I, 50 µm; E, F, 20 µm.";
dc:description"FIG. 5. — Tetra/bisporangial conceptacles of Lithophyllum artabricum V.Peña, sp. nov.: A, B, chambers dumbbell-shaped, empty; C, canal pore conical, tapering from the bottom to the roof surface; D, central calcified columella; E, buried conceptacles within the thallus; F, buried conceptacle with inorganic infilling. A, SANT-Algae 7046; B-D, E, holotype SANT-Algae 33667; F, SANT-Algae 15005. Scale bars: A, B, D, 100 µm; C, 50 µm; E, 500 µm; F, 200 µm.";