dc:description"Fig. 1. New fossil materials of Litopterna,Astrapotheria, and Notostylopidae from the Quebrada de Los Colorados Formation exposed at Quebrada Grande locality, Los Cardones National Park (Salta Province), Casamayoran SALMA, Eocene. A. cf. Ernestokokenia sp. (IBIGEO-P 65), fragmented left upper cheek tooth in occlusal view.B.Astrapotheria indet.(IBIGEO-P 66), left maxillary fragment with three broken molariforms in lingual (B1) and occlusal (B3) views, and detail showing Hunter-Schreger bands (B4); dashed area in B2 indicates broken or missing dental areas. C. Homalostylops sp. (IBIGEO-P 57b), right m2? in occlusal (C1), lingual (C3), and labial (C4) views. D.?Homalostylops sp. (IBIGEO-P 57a), left m1? in occlusal view. Photographs (A1, B1, B3, B4, C1, C3, C4, D1), explanatory drawings (A2, B2, C2, D2).";
dc:description"Fig. 3. New fossil specimens of Typotheria and Toxodontia from the Quebrada de Los Colorados Formation exposed at Quebrada Grande locality, Los Cardones National Park (Salta Province), Casamayoran SALMA. A, B. Colbertiasp. A. IBIGEO-P 58a, left maxillary fragment with M2–M3 in occlusal view.B. IBIGEO-P 58b, left maxillary fragment with P4–M3 in occlusal view.C–E. Pampahippus secundus Deraco and García-López, 2016. C. IBIGEO-P 62, right trigonid and incomplete talonid of a lower right molar in occlusal view. D. IBIGEO-P 63, fragmented left p3 or p4 in occlusal view. E. IBIGEO-P 64, left m1? in occlusal (E1), labial (E2), and lingual (E3) views. Photographs (A1–E1, E3, E4), explanatory drawings (A2–E2). Dashed area indicates broken or missing dental areas.";