dc:description"FIGURE 10. Protosticta khaosoidaoensis, Chantaburi, [A – C] male— (A) head & thorax in lateral view; (B) anal appendages in oblique-lateral view; (C) tip of cerci in posteroventral view; [D – E] female— (D) head & thorax in lateral view; (E) abdomen tip in lateral view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Protosticta beaumonti, Mau Son. [A – D] male— (A) head & thorax in lateral view; (B) prothorax in dorsal view; (C) right cercus & paraproct in oblique-dorsal view; (D) penile organ in dorsal view; [E – F] female— (E) female in nature; (F) tip of abdomen (rearranged from photos taken in nature at Mau Son Mountain, Lang Son Province on 07. VI. 2014 by Tom Kompier, specimens were not collected).";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Protosticta socculus spec. nov. [A – H] holotype male— (A) head & thorax in lateral view; (B) prothorax in dorsal view; anal appendages in (C) dorsal & (D) lateral view; (E) right cercus and paraproct in oblique-dorsal view; (F) tip of cerci in posteroventral view; (G) paraprocts in ventral view; (H) penile organ in dorsal view; (I) wings; [J – K] paratype male— (J) anal appendages in lateral view; (K) right cercus and paraproct in oblique-dorsal view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Protosticta satoi (dark form), Cao Bang. [A – G] male— (A) head & thorax in lateral view; (B) prothorax in dorsal view; anal appendages in (C) dorsal & (D) lateral view; (E) right cercus and paraproct in oblique-dorsal view; (F) paraprocts in ventral view; (G) penile organ in dorsal view; [H – J] male— (H) head & thorax in lateral view; (I) prothorax in dorsal view; (J) abdomen tip in lateral view; male, Tam Dao— (K) prothorax in dorsal view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Protosticta spp. [A – M] Protosticta pseudocuriosa spec. nov. [A – I] male— (A) head & thorax in lateral view; (B) prothorax in dorsal view; anal appendages in (C) dorsal & (D) lateral view and (E) oblique-dorsal view; (F) tip of cerci in posteroventral view; (G) paraprocts in ventral view; (H) penile organ in dorsal view; (I) wings; [J – M] female— (J) head & thorax in lateral view; (K) prothorax in dorsal view; (M) abdomen tip in lateral view; (L) male, Son Kim, prothorax in dorsal view; [N – Q] Protosticta curiosa, Thailand, (later Asahina's col.) male— (N) anal appendages in oblique-dorsal view; (O) tip of cerci in posteroventral view; (P) female, head & thorax in lateral view; (Q) abdomen tip in lateral view.";