dc:description"Fig. 1. Morphological and anatomical structures of stage 2 (S2) Tanacetum cinerariifolium flowers. (A) Longitudinal section of an S2 flower with peduncle attached. The arrow points to a cavity in the center of the pith that will become larger when the flower matures. The inset pictures show cross sections of the upper and lower peduncle (4 cm individually). (B) A closed disk flower. (C–G) SEM images of the T. cinerariifolium S2 flower organs and tissues. (C) The corollas of closed disk flowers. (D and E) Different magnifications of bract tissue, with an arrow pointing to the longitudinal serpentine vascular system located in the joining site with receptacle. (F and G) Cross sections of the flower peduncle and a detailed view of the disintegrating pith tissue.";
dc:description"Fig. 2. Analysis of terpene volatiles in flower head and peduncle (upper and lower) at early flowering stages (S0–S2). (A) Chromatogram profiles of T. cinerariifolium S1 flower head and upper peduncle hexane extracts analyzed by GC–MS and presented as total extracted ion current (EIC, m/z 93). Chromatogram profile of lower peduncle hexane extraction was not shown here due to the same peak patterns with the upper peduncle. For analysis conditions see text. List of the main terpene components, see Table 1 (B) Quantification of EβF and GD content in flower head and lower and upper peduncle at early flowering stages (S0–S2). Fresh flower tissues were extracted with hexane and analyzed by GC-MS. The GD and EβF concentrations were both estimated using an EβF standard reference curve. Error bars indicate ± SE of three biological replicates.";
dc:description"Fig. 3. EβF and GD accumulations in flowers and peduncles at different developmental stages. (A) Semi-quantitative comparison of GD and EβF emitted during different developmental stages (Pre-f, pre-flowering stage; S0-2, flowering plants with dominant S0–S2 flowers; S2-4, flowering plants with dominant S2–S4 flowers; S4-6, flowering plants with dominant S4–S6 flowers). Data are means ± SE of three biological replicates and expressed as peak area. The numbers indicate the ratio of EβF/GD emissions; the asterisks indicate the significance of the differences between EβF and GD (t-test: *, P ≤ 0.05; **, P ≤ 0.01).(B) Emission kinetics of EβF and GD in S0-2 stage T. cinerariifolium flowering plants are shown. The x-axis indicates the sampling time, and the y axis denotes the emission level of EβF and GD. Data are represented as means ± SD (n = 6). Numbers and asterisks are same as in A. (C) GC-MS analysis of the contents of GD and EβF in the T. cinerariifolium flower head at different developmental stages. Numbering of peduncles and flowers followed the developmental stages. Error bars indicate ± SD of three biological replicates. (D) GC-MS analysis of the contents of GD and EβF in T. cinerariifolium peduncles at different developmental stages. Error bars indicate ± SD of three biological replicates.";
dc:description"Fig. 4. EβF and GD accumulations in different parts of flower head at different developmental stages. Quantitated EβF and GD accumulations in different parts (upper disk floret, lower disk floret, receptacle, bract) of field flower following flower development. Fresh flower tissues were extracted by hexane and analyzed by GC-MS. GD concentration was evaluated by compared with EβF. Error bars indicate ± SD of three biological replicates.";
dc:description"Fig. 5. NADI staining for longitudinal sections of flower of T. cinerariifolium. (A) NADI staining for disk floret of S1 flower. (B) NADI staining of the upper section of a disk floret of S1 flower. (C) NADI staining of the upper section of a disk floret of an S2 flower showing the bilobed stained stigma on top of a short style. (D) NADI staining of longitudinal sections of S3 flower. (E) NADI staining of the upper sections of disk florets of S4 flower. Df, disk floret; Rec, receptacle; Sty, style; An, anther; Ac, anther cylinder; Sti, stigma; Co, corolla; GT, glandular trichome. Pure GD, EβF and pyrethrins were individually stained by NADI reagent and shown in A. The white arrows point to the positive NADI stained oils. The inset picture in D represents the top view of the flower.";
dc:description"Fig. 6. Chromatogram profiles of hexane extract of T. cinerariifolium stigma and corolla analyzed by GC–MS. For analysis conditions see text. GC-MS chromatogram of volatiles extracted from stigma and corolla are presented as total extracted ion current (EIC, m/z 93). Methyl laurate was used as an internal standard (IS). The concentration of EβF and GD were showed in the figure and presented as ng/mg fresh tissue. Localization of terpene oils in the closed and open disk floret was shown in the inset drawing pictures with purple (EβF and GD) and blue (pyrethrins) color.. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)";
dc:description"Fig. 7. NADI and aniline blue staining of cross sections of young T. cinerariifolium flower peduncles. (A and B) NADI staining of two cross sections of S0 and S1 upper flower peduncles. The positive NADI stained oil droplets are pointed out by white arrows. (C) Cross section of S2 flower peduncle stained by NADI reagent coupled with aniline blue staining observed under the bright light. (D) Cross section of the same S2 flower peduncles as in C observed under the UV light, callose in the sieve elements was stained by aniline blue and indicated by white arrowhead. The white arrows point to NADI stained oil droplets in C that appear to be outside the cell wall as indicated by red arrows in D. Ph, phloem; Xy, xylem; Co, cortex; Pi, pith; Se, sieve element.. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)";
dc:description"Fig. 8. NADI staining and aniline blue staining for cross and longitudinal sections of young T. cinerariifolium flower peduncles. (A) Bright field micrographs of the cross sections of S2 flower peduncle double-stained by NADI reagent and aniline blue. (B) Cross section of the same S2 flower peduncles as in A observed under the UV light. The arrows point to stained terpene oil droplets. (C and D) NADI staining of two longitudinal sections of flower peduncles. Co, cortex; Vb, vascular bundle. The purple-violet oil droplet in the inset of A is pure EβF standard stained by NADI reagent.. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)";