dc:description"Figure 6. Calypogeia goebelii (Schiffn.) Steph.: A plant habit, fragment, ventral view B, C leaves D, E Underleaves Calypogeia ceylanica S. Hatt. et Mizut.: F plant habit, fragment, dorsal view G plant habit, fragment, ventral view H, I, J underleaves K, L, M leaves Calypogeia cuspidata (Steph.) Steph.: N plant habit, fragment, dorsal view O plant habit, fragment, ventral view P underleaf Q leaf Calypogeia japonica Steph. R plant habit, fragment, ventral view S plant habit, fragment, dorsal view T, U, Z, AC, AD, AE, AF underleaves V, W, X, Y, AA, AB leaves. A-E from Syntype G 00115804; F-M isotype G 00064248; N-Q lectotype G 00069713; R-W from Neotype G 00047413 / 9720; X-Z, AE, AF from G 00047412 / 9717; AA-AD from holotype of Calypogeia ovifolia H. Inoue TNS 76048.";
dc:description"Figure 9. Calypogeia asakawana S. Hatt. ex Inoue: A plant habit, fragment, ventral view B, C underleaves D Leaf Calypogeia ceylanica S. Hatt. et Mizut.: E, F leaves H underleaf J leaf middle cells Calypogeia cuspidata (Steph.) Steph. G plant habit, fragment, ventral view I underleaf L leaf M leaf middle cells Calypogeia decurrens (Steph.) Steph.: K plant habit, fragment, ventral view. Scale bars: 2 mm (G); 1 mm (E, F, K); 500 µm (A, D, L); 200 µm (H, I); 100 µm (B, C); 50 µm (J, M). A from Holotype TNS- 174359; B, C, D from authentic material of C. okamurana Steph. nom. herb., G 00067726; E, F, H, J Isotype G 00064248, G, I, L, M from Lectotype G 00069713; K from Isotype G 00060745.";