dc:creator"Provance, Mitchell C.; Sanders, Andrew C.";
dc:title"Lucky morning glory, Calystegia felix (Convolvulaceae): a new species from Southern California, with notes on the historical ecology of the Chino cienega belt";
dc:description"Figure 1. Calystegia felix Provance & A. C. Sanders, sp. nov. The holotype, A. C. Sanders & M. C. and T. A. Provance 40174 (UCR [UCR- 246125]). The flowering branchlets are from a single ramet (Photo M. C. Provance, 2011).";
dc:description"Figure 2. Calystegia felix stolons and creeping rootstock. The narrow emergent leaves of this specimen may be atypical; the relatively long petioles are normal (Photo M. C. Provance, 2012).";
dc:description"Figure 3. Calystegia felix in bloom at the type locality, in a planter bed in Chino. This plant, discovered in 2011, is the only one we have seen that produces corollas with reddish-purple midpetaline stripes. Also, note the blushed sepals (Photo M. C. Provance, 2011).";
dc:description"Figure 4. Map of historical and recently discovered Calystegia felix occurrences in the Chino Basin. The circled E marks the plant discovered in 2011; normal circles are 2013 occurrences, the largest a cluster of three populations. The broken circle is the approximate location of Johnston's collection in 1917. The perimeter of the Chino artesian belt and \" moist land \" prior to 1904 is delineated by the thick black line. The street map was adapted from the City of Chino draft general plan EIR, July, 2010, and the artesian belt is based on Mendenhall (1907).";
dc:description"Figure 5. Lectotype of Convolvulus binghamiae Greene, Santa Barbara, July, 1886, R. F. Bingham s. n. (UC 335392), with one small bract, and a broad-based corolla.";
dc:description"Figure 7. Original material of Convolvulus binghamiae Greene, Santa Barbara, 1886, E. L. Greene s. n. (NDG [NDG- 66275]). Flower buds with large clasping bracts typical of the Calystegia sepium complex are noteworthy (a), as is the solitary flower (b) with a broad calyx, broad corolla tube, and a smallish, but otherwise typical clasping bract for the Calystegia sepium complex (Image courtesy of Barbara Hellenthal at the Notre Dame Herbarium).";
dc:description"Figure 9. Emergent Calystegia felix on crusted, moist, Chino silt loam, amongst urban landscaping. It is unknown if large groups of emergent plants such as these represent one to just a few clones, or many genotypes (Photo M. C. Provance, 2013).";