dc:title"Cryptophyllium, the hidden leaf insects - descriptions of a new leaf insect genus and thirteen species from the former celebicum species group (Phasmatodea, Phylliidae)";
dc:description"Figure 8. Known eggs for the Cryptophyllium gen. nov. set in couplets of lateral and then dorsal views. All images except for K and L were taken by Bruno Kneubu ̈ hler (Switzerland), K and L images taken by the first author, Q and R images taken by Rene ́ Limoges (IMQC) A, B Cryptophyllium westwoodii comb. nov. C, D Cryptophyllium tibetense comb. nov. E, F Cryptophyllium bollensi gen. et sp. nov. G, H Cryptophyllium oyae comb. nov. I, J Cryptophyllium icarus gen. et sp. nov. K, L Cryptophyllium liyananae gen. et sp. nov. M, N Cryptophyllium chrisangi comb. nov. O, P Cryptophyllium celebicum comb. nov. Q, R Cryptophyllium limogesi gen. et sp. nov. Scale bars 2.0 mm long.";
dc:description"Figure 9. Freshly hatched nymphs known for the Cryptophyllium gen. nov., all except for C bred and photographed by Bruno Kneubu ̈ hler (Switzerland) A Cryptophyllium celebicum comb. nov. B Cryptophyllium chrisangi comb. nov. C Cryptophyllium khmer gen. et sp. nov. bred and photographed by Tim Bollens (Belgium) D Cryptophyllium tibetense comb. nov. E Cryptophyllium oyae comb. nov. F Cryptophyllium westwoodii comb. nov. G Cryptophyllium phami gen. et sp. nov. H Cryptophyllium bollensi gen. et sp. nov. I Cryptophyllium icarus gen. et sp. nov.";
dc:description"Figure 63. Cryptophyllium tibetense comb. nov. live female bred and photographed by Bruno Kneubu ̈ hler (Switzerland) A dorsal, habitus B ventral genitalia, note the subgenital plate which reaches all the way to the apex of the abdomen C dorsal head, thorax, and front legs D lateral view with tegmina raised to expose the alae length.";
dc:description"Figure 64. Cryptophyllium tibetense comb. nov. live pair from Tibet and bred and photographed by Zhiwei Dong A female, habitus, dorsal B male, habitus, dorsal C male, details of the antennae, front legs, head, thorax, and tegmina, dorsal D male, details of the antennae, front legs, head, thorax, and tegmina, lateral view.";
dc:description"Figure 65. Additional Cryptophyllium tibetense comb. nov. distribution records> A live adult female from Kalimpong, West Bengal, India, observed and photographed by Vandana Wadwa Sood (West Bengal, India) in September 2019 B female nymph, NHMUK from Sikkim, India, photographs by RTC C female nymph, NHMUK: \" Burma: Mishmi Hills. Delei River. 1,700 ft. 28. i. 1935, M. Steele. \", photographs by RTC D male nymph, NHMUK: \" Burma: Mishmi Hills. Lohit River. 22. iii. 1935, M. Steele. \", photographs by RTC E female nymph observed and photographed in Digboi, Assam by Rajib Rudra Tariang (India).";
dc:description"Figure 66. A Cryptophyllium tibetense comb. nov. from Pasighat in the East Siang district, observed and photographed by Oken Tayeng (India) next to a visually similar leaf from the area the female was found B habitat near where the female was found.";
dc:description"Figure 47. Holotype Cryptophyllium liyananae gen. et sp. nov., photographs by Rene ́ Limoges (IMQC) A habitus, dorsal B details of the antennae, dorsal C profemoral lobes, dorsal D details of the antennae, head, and thorax, dorsal E genitalia, ventral.";