dc:title"An overview on the freshwater sponge fauna (Demospongiae: Spongillida) of New Zealand and New Caledonia with new insights into Heterorotula from deep thermal vents of the Lake Taupo";
dc:description"Figure 1. (A) Study area of Spongillida (Porifera, Demospongiae) in insular freshwater of Australasia. (B) New Caledonia Island harbours three endemic species viz. Heterorotula caledonensisı Oncosclera diahoti, and Pachyrotula raceki (genus Pachyrotula is also endemic). Heterorotula multidentata is shared by New Caledonia and Eastern Australia. (C) Geographic range of Heterorotula kakahuensis endemic to New Zealand.";
dc:description"Figure 6. The historical material BMNH previously identified as Ephydatia kakahuensis and presently considered a mix of Heterorotula kakahuensis and a possible Pottsiela taxon.";
dc:description"Figure 7. Heterorotula kakahuensis (as Ephydatia kakahuensis). Megascleres and gemmules of part of the historical material BMNH–B) skeletal megascleres. (C) gemmule with spicular cage.(D) foramen. (E–F) close-up on the distal rotules of gemmuloscleres in the trilayered gemmular theca (FW- POR 428, FW-POR 429).";
dc:description"Figure 3. Gemmuloscleres with divergent diagnostic morphotraits. Comparison of type specimens of the type species of the genera Ephydatia (A–B, E. fluviatilis), Heterorotula (C–E, H. capewelli), Pachyrotula (F–G, P. raceki) and Oncosclera (H–J, O. jewelli).";
dc:description"Figure 9. Heterorotula kakauensis sampled from the Horomatangi Geothermal System of Lake Taupo, New Zealand at 125–180 m depth (by the submarine Jago). (A) ectosomal skeleton at the sponge surface. (B) choanosomal skeleton. (C–E) spiny oxeas as megascleres with rosette–like (verticillate) spinosity. (F) gemmule. (G) top view of the distal rotules of the gemmuloscleres at the gemmular theca surface.(H) gemmulosclere.(I) malformed gemmulosclere.(A–B FW-POR 564, C–E FW-POR 566;F–I FW- POR 565).";
dc:description"Figure 10. Heterorotula kakauensis. (A–F) The sponge population settled in the Horomatangi Geothermal System of Lake Taupo, New Zealand at 125–180 m depth (by the submarine Jago).";
dc:description"Figure 5. (A), Morphotraits of Heterorotula kakahuensis (as Ephydatia kakahuensis, New Zealand) vs Ephydatia fluviatilis (eastern Europe, original plate after Traxler 1896). E. kakahuensis 1–2, gemmule and detail of foramen, 5–8, long birotules as gemmuloscleres, 9–11, spiny oxeas as megascleres. E. fluviatilis 3–4, gemmule and detail of foramen, 12–14, short birotules as gemmuloscleres. Not to scale. (B) Ephydatia kakahuensis (modified after Schröder 1935). (Ba) megascleres. (Bb) gemmuloscleres (lateral view). (Bc) gemmuloscleres (top view); the gemmuloscleres are very similar to those of several other species of Ephydatia. Not to scale.";