dc:description"FIGURE 4. Morphological characteristics of Peruvian Meriania. A. Bullate adaxial leaf surface (M. sanguinea; R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 1896). B. Punctiform abaxial leaf surface (M. cuzcoana; W. Farfán et al. 976). C. Glabrous abaxial leaf surface (M. callosa; R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 2055). D. Furfuraceous abaxial leaf surface (M. vilcabambensis; L. Valenzuela 7494). E. Puberulent abaxial leaf surface (M. drakei; R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 1775). F. Pubescent abaxial leaf surface (M. bicentenaria; A. Monteagudo et al. 6960). G. Tomentose abaxial leaf surface (M. tomentosa; R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 1905). H. Setulose abaxial leaf surface (M. radula; D. Paredes et al. 604). I. Villose abaxial leaf surface (M. sumatika; I. Huamantupa et al. 2060). J. Hirsute adaxial leaf surface (M. hirsuta; S. Baldeón & J. Campos 5373). K. Peltate leaf base (M. peltata; R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 2093). L. Leaf base with dentate-undulate revolute auricles (M. cuzcoana; L. Valenzuela et al. 6904).";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Morphological characteristics of Peruvian Meriania. A. Calyx lacking dorsal projections (M. hexamera; I. Revilla 3484). B. Calyx with callose dorsal projections (left), and detail of a dorsal projection (right) (M. callosa; R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 2055). C. Calyx with whitish callose dorsal projections (M. penningtonii; R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 2072). D. Calyx with claw-shaped dorsal projections (M. dazae; J. L. Marcelo-Peña et al. 6568). E. Calyx with blunt dorsal projections (M. rugosa; H. van der Werff 17006). F. Subcalyptrate calyx with small claw-shaped projections and irregular dehiscence (left), and detail of the subcalyptrate calyx apex (right) (M. vasquezii; R. Vásquez et al. 45480). G. Calyptrate calyx with circumscissile dehiscence (M. escalerensis; M. Ríos et al. 3316). H. Calyx with aciculate dorsal projections and slightly costate hypanthium (M. prunifolia; J. Schunke-Vigo 11712). I. Costate hypanthium with 10 evident ribs (left) and apical view (right) (M. sumatika; P. Núñez & J. Arque 8369).";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Morphological characteristics of Peruvian Meriania. A. Stamen with a triangular descending dorso-basal appendage (black arrow) but no dorsal appendage (M. tetraquetra; R. Fernandez-Hilario & A. Vásquez 251). B. Stamen with a triangular descending dorso-basal appendage and a blunt ascending dorsal appendage (blue arrow) (M. megaphylla; A. Weberbauer 7048). C. Stamen with an acuminate descending dorso-basal appendage (black arrow) and a dorsal appendage as a mere hump (blue arrow) (M. franciscana; C. Díaz & S. Fernández 10150). D. Stamen with a triangular descending dorso-basal appendage and a dorsal appendage as a mere hump, and detail of the dorsal appendage (M. rugosa; F. A. Michelangeli et al. 1725). E. Stamen with a triangular descending dorso-basal appendage and a dentiform dorsal appendage, and detail of the dorsal appendage (M. hexamera; I. Revilla 3484). F. Stamen with a multilobed descending dorso-basal appendage and an apically trilobed ascending dorsal appendage, and detail of the dorsal appendage apex (M. microflora; I. Huamantupa et al. 15552). G. Stamen with an almost perpendicular dorso-basal appendage to the theca, and detail of the prolonged connective below the theca (M. tetragona; R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 2092). H. Stamen with inflated (bulbous) connective (blue arrow) (M. bicentenaria; R. Villanueva-Espinoza 675). I. Antesepalous stamen with a laterally expanded dorso-basal appendage (left) and antepetalous stamen with a dorso-basal appendage not laterally expanded (right) (M. vilcabambensis; L. Valenzuela 7494).";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Morphological characteristics of Peruvian Meriania. A. Interpetiolar line (M. tomentosa; R. W. Bussmann et al. 17068). B. Interpetiolar flap (M. zunacensis; R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 1920). C. Winged internode (M. penningtonii; R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 2072). D. Winged internode (M. tetragona; R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 2092). E. Adaxial projection (scutum) in the transition zone from the petiole to the midvein (M. zunacensis; R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 1920). F. Swollen adaxial projection on the petiole apex (M. drakei; R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 1775). G. Liguliform abaxial projections in the transition zone from the petiole to the midvein (M. sanguinea; R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 1896). H. Tuberculate abaxial projections in the transition zone from the petiole to the midvein (M. tetragona; F. A. Michelangeli et al. 1739). I. Spreading corolla (M. rigida; R. Fernandez-Hilario et al. 1931). J. Campanulate corollas (M. dazae; J. L. Marcelo-Peña et al. 6568). K. Fruits with mature ovaries exceeding the hypanthia length (M. sanguinea; F.A. Michelangeli et al. 2743). L. Fruits with mature ovaries completely concealed by the hypanthia (M. tomentosa; F. A. Michelangeli et al. 1799). Photos by Rainer W. Bussmann (A); Robin Fernandez-Hilario (B–G and I–J); and Fabián A. Michelangeli (H, K and L).";