dc:description"Figure 2. Ebertichthys ettlingensis n. gen. et n. sp. in lateral views. (a) Holotype JME ETT 108. (b) Paratype JME ETT 132a. (c) Paratype JME ETT 24, specimen with a fish prey in its mouth (small individual of Orthogonikleithrus). Scales equal 1 cm. Photographs courtesy of M. Ebert.";
dc:description"Figure 6. Ebertichthys ettlingensis n. gen. et n. sp. Details of certain abdominal vertebrae and pectoral fin. (a) Anterior abdominal region and pectoral girdle and fin (holotype JME ETT 108). (b) Enlargement of a few abdominal vertebrae illustrating details of the epineural processes (holotype JME ETT 108). (c) Details of pectoral fin and radials (JME ETT 132a). Abbreviations: cl, cleithrum; cor, coracoid; d.ra, distal radials; epin.p, epineural process; na, neural arch; ns, neural spine; paph, parapophyses; pcl1–3, postcleithrum 1–3; pec.f, pectoral fin; pec.ra, proximal radials supporting pectoral rays; pel.p, pelvic plate; ptt, posttemporal; ri, ribs; sc, anterior field of cycloid scales; sca, scapula; scl, supracleithrum; sn, supraneurals; vc, abdominal vertebral centra; 1st. pec, first pectoral ray.";
dc:description"Figure 7. Ebertichthys ettlingensis n. gen. et n. sp. Dorsal and anal fins and their relationships to the vertebral column (JME ETT 132a). Abbreviations: Ant, anterior; an.r, principal anal rays; epl.b, epipleural bones; dor.r, dorsal principal rays; epin.p, epineural processes; ha, haemal arch; hs, haemal spine; la.pt, last anal pterygiophore; ld.pt, last dorsal pterygiophore; na, neural arch; ns, neural spine; paph, parapophyses; pr.anr, anal procurrent rays; pr.dr, dorsal procurrent rays; ri, ribs; sn, supraneural bones; V21, vertebra 21; 1st a.pt, first anal pterygiophore; 1st d.pt, first dorsal pterygiophore.";
dc:description"Figure 8. Ebertichthys ettlingensis n. gen. et n. sp. Detail of vertebrae 21–23 and associated intermuscular bones (JME ETT 132a). Small arrows point to a median bone that is bifid distally. Abbreviations: Ant, anterior; epin.p, epineural processes; epl.b, epipleural bones; ha, haemal arch; hs, haemal spine; na, neural arch; ns, neural spine; V21, vertebra 21.";
dc:description"Figure 9. Ebertichthys ettlingensis n. gen. et n. sp. (a) Photograph of young specimen (JME ETT 61) in lateral view. Photograph courtesy of H. Tischlinger, Scale equals 1 cm. (b) Detail of last caudal vertebrae illustrating pseudo-diplospondyly and caudal endoskeleton incompletely preserved. Abbreviations: chcPU4, chordacentrum of preural centrum 4; chcU1–3, chordacentra of ural centra 1–3; E, epurals (the first one is missing); H1–7, hypurals 1–7; hsPU2, haemal spine of preural centrum 2; PH, parhypural; ‘UD’, “urodermal”; UN1–6, uroneurals 1–6.";
dc:description"Figure 10. Ebertichthys ettlingensis n. gen. et n. sp. Pelvic plate and pelvic fin (JME ETT 108). Abbreviations: Ant, anterior; pel.r, pelvic rays; p.pl, pelvic plate or basipterygium; p.sp, pelvic splint.";
dc:description"Figure 11. Ebertichthys ettlingensis n. gen. et n. sp. (JME ETT 64a). (a) Details of first two dorsal pterygiophores and first dorsal-fin rays. (b) Detail of last dorsal pterygiophores. Arrows point to the two articular areas for fin rays. Abbreviations: Ant, anterior; 1st d.pt, first dorsal pterygiophore; 2nd d.pt, second dorsal pterygiophore; ld.pt, last dorsal pterygiophore.";
dc:description"Figure 12. Ebertichthys ettlingensis n. gen. et n. sp. Caudal fin and endoskeleton in lateral view (holotype JME ETT 108). Abbreviations: Ant, anterior; d.scu, dorsal caudal scute; ebfu, epaxial basal fulcra; ffu, fringing fulcra; H1–7, hypurals 1–7; hsPU4, haemal spine of preural centrum 4; nsPU2–4, neural spines of preural centra 2–4; naU1+2, neural arches of ural centrum 1 + 2; PH, parhypural; prp, procurrent rays; PU1, 4, preural centra 1, 4; U1+2, 3, ural centrum 1 + 2 and 3 (polyural terminology) fused with the bases of hypurals 1 and 2; ‘UD’, “urodermal”; UN1–4, uroneurals 1–4; PR1–19, principal rays 1–19; v.csu, ventral caudal scute.";
dc:description"Figure 13. Ebertichthys ettlingensis n. gen. et n. sp. Caudal fin and endoskeleton in lateral view (JME ETT 60). Abbreviations: Ant, anterior; d.scu, dorsal caudal scute; ebfu, epaxial basal fulcra; ffu, fringing fulcra; H1–6, hypurals 1–6; hsPU4, haemal spine of preural centrum 4; mo, membranous outgrowth on anterodorsal margin of first uroneural; nsPU1–4, neural spine of preural centra 1–4; PU1,4, preural centrum 1, 4; U1+2, ural centrum 1 + 2 (polyural terminology) fused with the bases of hypurals 1 and 2; ‘UD’, “urodermal”; UN1–5, uroneurals 1–5; PR1–19, principal rays 1–19; v.csu, ventral caudal scute.";