dc:description"FIG. 4. — Euthacanthus macnicoli Powrie, 1864, head and branchial region: A, holotype NMS G.1891.92.231 from Turin Hill; B, NMS G.1891.92.236 from Turin Hill;C, NMS G.2011.33.1 from Balruddery Den; D, NMS G.2002.59.97 from Duntrune.Abbreviations: gr, gular rays; lt.br.p, left side branchiostegal plates; lt.ll, left side lateral line; lt.sb, left sclerotic bones; lt.sc, left scapulocoracoid; p.fs, pectoral fin spine; rt.br.p, right side branchiostegal plates; rt.ll, right side lateral line;rt.pp.p, right “prepectoral plate”;rt.sb, right side sclerotic bones; rt.sc, right scapulocoracoid; sgc1, first subsidiary gill cover; sgc2, second subsidiary gill cover; sgc3, third subsidiary gill cover. Scale bars: 5 mm.";
dc:description"FIG. 6. — Euthacanthus macnicoli Powrie, 1864, jaws and branchiostegal plate ornament: A, NMS G.1967.12.7 from Turin Hill (Til- lywhandland); C, D, branchiostegal plates on QMF57176 from Tillywhandland, under normal light (C) and whitened with magnesium oxide (D); E, branchiostegal plate in NHM P.67308,a large regurgitate or coprolite.Abbreviations:br.p, branchiostegal plates;lt.mc, left Meckel’s cartilage; lt.pq, left palatoquadrate cartilage; rt.pq, right palatoquadrate cartilage. Scale bars: A, B, 10 mm; C-E, 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIG. 8. — Euthacanthus macnicoli Powrie, 1864, shoulder girdle elements on NMS G.2010.7.39: A, left prepectoral plate; B, right prepectoral plate, medial surface; C, left scapulocoracoid, lateral surface; D, right scapulocoracoid, lateral surface. Abbreviations: br.p, branchiostegal plates; p.fs, pectoral fin spine. Scale bar: 2 mm.";
dc:description"FIG. 10.— Euthacanthus macnicoli Powrie,1864 fin spines:A, NMS G.1967.12.5 from Turin Hill,posterior and anterior dorsal fin spines; B, NMS G.1885.54.6B, anal fin spine; C, NMS G.2002.59.27p, lower half of an articulated fish showing the fin spines; D-I, ground thin sections of fin spines on NMS G.2010.7.42; D-F, cross-sections of an anal fin spine; D, near the tip of the fin spine with no pulp cavity; E, showing vascular canals of the middle layer,and lamellar bone forming inner layer lining central cavity; F, mid-proximal end of spine, with open central cavity open along leading edge; G-I, thin sections of posterior dorsal fin spine; G, mid-distal end of spine with closed central cavity; H, leading edge ridge with mesodentine forming ridge, osteodentine forming middle layer, and very thin";
dc:description"FIG. 11. — Euthacanthus macnicoli Powrie, 1864, fin spine his- tological structure: Serial sections of posterior dorsal (pd.fs) and anal (a.fs) fin spines of NMS G.2010.7.42. Scale bar: 0.25 mm.";
dc:description"FIG. 12. — Euthacanthus macnicoli Powrie, 1864, tail squamation: A, tail of holotype NMS G.1891.92.231; B, squamation pattern in E. macnicoli, based on that for Acanthodes sp. as figured by Miles (1970: fig. 7). Scale bar: 10 mm.";
dc:description"FIG. 14. — Euthacanthus macnicoli Powrie, 1864 NMS G.2013.8.1, thin sections of individual scales in serial sections of an articu- lated, moderate sized specimen from Tillywhandland: A-C, sections in the pectoral region; A, vertical longitudinal section with three crown growth zones; B, median vertical longitudinal section along a groove between crown ridges;C, vertical transverse section with three growth zones; D, E, vertical transverse sections in the anterior midflank region; F-H, sections in the midbody midflank region; F, oblique section; G, H, vertical transverse sections; I-K, sections in the posterior midflank region between the posterior dorsal and anal fin spines; I, vertical transverse section; J, K, vertical longitudinal section; L-N, sections in the caudal peduncle-midtail region; L, M, vertical transverse section; N, vertical longitudinal section. Abbreviations: bcl, bone cell lacunae; igl, incremental growth lines; m, mesodentine; Sf, Sharpey’s fibres; Sg, Stranggewebe; vc, vascular canal. Scale bars: A, L, 0.05 mm; B-K, M, N, 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIG. 15. — Euthacanthus macnicoli Powrie, 1864 specimen NMS G.2010.7.42, the rear half with the posterior dorsal and anal fin spines of a small articulated specimen from Tillywhandland: A, the specimen before thin sectioning with the anterior to the right; white lines shown the areas thin sectioned; B-M, SEM views of scales; B, C, squamation segment cut midflank below the poste- rior dorsal fin spine; D, E, squamation segment cut at the middle of the caudal peduncle; F-M, scales in residues after acetic acid treatment of remainder of cut portion; F, articulated patch of scales (both sides of fish compressed together); G, H, scale in crown and lateral view; I, J, scale in crown and lateral view; K, scale from one side of the body attached to two scales from the other side; L, M, scale in crown and posterolateral view; N-P, thin sections of scales; N, vertical transverse section of a young fin web scale; O, vertical longitudinal section of a fin web scale; P, vertical transverse sections of two scales abutting a fin spine. Scale bars: A, 10 mm; B, D, 1 mm; C, E-P, 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIG. 16.— Euthacanthus macnicoli Powrie,1864 specimen NMS G.2010.7.39,SEMs of scales from a large partial articulated specimen from Tillywhandland: A, B, scale in crown and posterolateral view; C-D, scale in crown and anterolateral view; E, scale in laterocrown view; F, G, scale in crown and posterior view; H, scale in laterocrown view; I, J, scale in anterocrown and anterior view; K, L, scale in crown and lateral view; M, N, scale in crown and lateral view; O, scale in laterocrown view; P, scale in anterior view; Q, scale in anterobasal view; R, patch of articulated scales from venter in posterocrown view; S, small scale from head region in posterior view; T, small scale from head region in posterocrown view. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIG. 17. — Euthacanthus macnicoli Powrie, 1864 NMS G.2010.7.39, thin sections of scales from a large partial articulated specimen from Tillywhandland:A, a group of scales in various orientations;B-H, sections through individual scales;B, vertical longitudinal section with six crown growth zones;C, vertical transverse section with three crown growth zones;D, crown horizontal section with eight crown growth zones;E, vertical transverse section through posterior part of scale with at least eight growth zones;F, vertical transverse sec- tion through the anterior part of the scale with five crown growth zones; G, vertical longitudinal section with seven crown growth zones;";
dc:description"FIG. 18. — Euthacanthus macnicoli Powrie, 1864 NMS G.2010.7.43, a coprolitic/regurgitate patch of scales from a large individual from Tillywhandland: A, complete specimen; B-F, separate flank scales in matrix, viewed under a light microscope;G-J, SEM images of specialized scales; G, stellate head tessera in crown view; H, stellate head tessera in lateral view; I, fractured tuberculated head scale in anterior view; J, transitional or umbellate scale in anterocrown view; K-Q, thin sections of scales; K, crown horizontal section of head scale or tessera; L, vertical longitudinal section with three crown growth zones with a vertical transverse section of a small Mesacanthus mitchelli Egerton,1860 scale above anterior crown (to right);M, vertical transverse section of scale with six crown growth";
dc:description"FIG. 19. — Euthacanthus macnicoli Powrie, 1864 Reconstruction of the whole fish in lateral view, much modified after Watson (1937: fig. 4A).";