dc:description"Figs 3–8. Live specimens and habitats. 3. Artema atlanta Walckenaer, 1837 from Thailand, Ratchaburi. 4–5. A. nephilit sp. nov. from Israel. 6. Typical Artema web mass, in a cave in Petra, Jordan. 7–8. Caves populated by Artema nephilit sp. nov.: Oren Cave, Mount Karmel (7) and caves in the Eilat Mountains (8), Israel. Photos: BAH (3–4, 6–8), SA (5).";
dc:description"Figs 15–24. Artema atlanta. 15. Epigynum (MRAC 215041, Benin). 16–18. Male left pedipalp (MRAC 120766, Sudan), prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral views. 19–21. Male left bulb and procursus, prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral views, arrows in Fig. 20 show notches on distal margin of procursus. 22–24. Male chelicerae (same specimen), lateral and frontal views. Scale lines: 15, 19–24 = 0.5 mm; 16–18 = 1 mm.";
dc:description"Figs 35–44. Artema nephilit sp. nov. 35. Male habitus (ZFMK Ar 15225, Israel, Mount Karmel, Oren Cave). 36–38. Male left pedipalp (ZFMK Ar 15227, Jordan, Petra): prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral views. 39–41. Male left bulb and procursus: prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral views. 42–44. Male chelicerae (ZFMK Ar 15227, Jordan, Petra and HUJ Ara 16000, Israel, Mount Berniki): lateral and frontal views. Scale lines: 36–38, 42–43 = 1 mm; 39–41, 44 = 0.25 mm.";
dc:description"Figs 55–66. Artema nephilit sp. nov., ZFMK Ar 15225-27 (♂) and HUJ Ara 15997 (♀). 55–56. Combhairs on left male tarsus 4, prolateral views. 57. Right male tarsus 2, showing absence of comb-hairs. 58–59. Comb-hairs on left female tarsus 4, prolateral (-distal) views. 60. Right female tarsus 2, showing absence of comb-hairs. 61. Detail of male comb-hair on tarsus 4. 62. Trichobothrium base, female palpal tibia. 63. Male gonopore and epiandrous spigots. 64–65. Male bulbal processes. 66. Modified area between processes b and c on male genital bulb. Scale lines: 55, 58 = 0.08 mm; 56–57, 59, 63 = 0.1 mm; 60, 64–65 = 0.2 mm; 61–62 = 0.01 mm; 66 = 0.03 mm.";
dc:description"Figs 25–29. Artema atlanta Walckenaer, 1837, ZFMK Gui 82 and ZFMK Gui 111. 25–26, 28. Male ALS and PMS (arrows: one of the six small cylindrically-shaped spigots wider than others). 27. Male left bulb, prolateral-distal view. 29. Small teeth prolaterally on round end of process c. Scale lines: 25 = 0.06 mm; 26, 29 = 0.03 mm; 27 = 0.2 mm; 28 = 0.04 mm.";
dc:description"Figs 180–185. Artema sp. c from Pakistan, Baluchistan Province, Quetta (ZMMU). 180–182. Male left pedipalp: prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral views. 183–185. Male left bulb and procursus: prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral views. Scale lines: 180–182 = 1 mm; 183–185 = 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"Figs 146–154. Artema transcaspica Spassky, 1934, ZMMU, Ak-Mechet (♂) and near Zarafshon (♀). 146–148. Male chelicerae with frontal rows of modified (cone-shaped) hairs. 149. Male left bulbal processes. 150. Epigynal plate. 151. Male left bulbal processes. 152. Wrinkled area between processes b and c on male bulb. 153. Male stridulatory ridges. 154. Female stridulatory ridges. Scale lines: 146 = 0.3 mm; 147, 149, 153–154 = 0.1 mm; 148 = 0.03 mm; 150 = 0.4 mm; 151 = 0.2 mm; 152 = 0.06 mm.";
dc:description"Figs 1–2. 1. Known distributions of species of Artema except A. atlanta Walckenaer, 1837. The Japanese record of A. doriae Thorell, 1881 is not shown as it is based on a single introduced specimen. 2. Known distribution of Artema atlanta. Green dots: specimens examined; black dots: specimens not examined (data from: Banks 1898; Beatty et al. 2008; Blackwell 1958; Bösenberg & Lenz 1895; Brignoli 1981; Bryant 1940, 1948; Caporiacco 1928, 1948, 1949; Chamberlin 1924; Chrysanthus 1967; Colmenares 2008; Denis 1953; Doleschall 1857; Dyal 1935; Franganillo 1926a; Gao & Li 2010; Gertsch & Davis 1942; Gonzalez-Sponga 2005; Karsch 1879, 1892; Leardi in Airaghi 1902; Lessert 1936; Majumder & Biswas 1993; Marples 1955; Mello-Leitão 1942; Millot 1946; Moenkhaus 1898; F.O.Pickard-Cambridge 1902; Petrunkevitch 1925, 1929; Pocock 1900; Saaristo 2001; Simon 1885, 1894; Taczanowsky 1874; Thorell 1895, 1898; Vinson 1863; Yaginuma 1970). Records from Israel, Belgium, and Britain are not shown as they are based on single introduced specimens.";
dc:description"Figs 170–179. 170. Artema sp. a from Oman Jebal Akhdar, E of Al Hamra, Al Ghubrat (NHMW), epigynum, ventral view. 171–179. Artema sp. b from Algeria, El Goléa (NHMW). 171–173. Male left pedipalp: prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral views. 174–176. Male left bulb and procursus: prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral views. 177–179. Male chelicerae: lateral and frontal views. Scale lines: 170, 174–179 = 0.5 mm; 171–173 = 1 mm.";
dc:description"Figs 90–96. Artema doriae Thorell, 1881. 90. Female, habitus (HUJ Ara 16033, Israel, Memorial Ha- Biq’a, NE Peza’el). 91–93. Male left pedipalp (ZFMK Ar 15233, Iran, Tehran): prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral views. 94–96. Male left bulb and procursus (same specimen): prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral views. Scale lines: 91–93 = 1 mm; 94–96 = 0.25 mm.";
dc:description"Figs 155–161. Artema magna Roewer, 1960. 155. Female prosoma (NHMG A 196, Afghanistan, Konar Valley). 156–158. Male left pedipalp (ZMMU, Pakistan, Baluchistan Province, Quetta): prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral views. 159–161. Male left bulb and procursus: prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral views. Scale lines: 155–158 = 1 mm; 159–161 = 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"Figs 97–102. Artema doriae Thorell, 1881, male chelicerae in lateral and frontal views. 97–99. Iran, Tehran (MNHN Ar 10180). 100–101. Iran, Tehran (ZFMK Ar 15233 and SMF). 102. Israel, Yavni’el (HUJ Ara 16030). Arrows = projections proximally on frontal process. Scale lines: 97–99 = 0.5 mm; 100–102 = 0.2 mm.";