dc:description"FIGURES 1–23. Types of Thyatirinae. 1, holotype of Cymatophora albicostata Bremer, 1861 (ZISP); 2, its reproduction from Mémoires de l’Académie impériale des sciences de St.-Pétersbourg 8(1): pl. 5, fig. 6; 3, lectotype of Cymatophora octogesima var. caucasica Krulikowsky, 1901 (ZMKU: courtesy I. Kostjuk); 4, lectotype of Gonophora dieckmanni Graeser, 1888 (ZISP); 5, correct lectotype of Thyatira hedemanni Christoph, 1885 (ZISP); 6, its reproduction from the original description (pl. 2, fig. 3); 7, holotype of Thyatira derasa var. intermedia Bremer, [1864] (ZISP); 8, holotype of Tethea ocularis ssp. opa Zolotuhin, 1997 (ZISP); 9, lectotype of Thyatira moellendorfi Fixsen, 1887 (ZISP); 10—its reproduction from the original description (pl. 15, fig. 12); 11, false lectotype of Asphalia nigrofascicula Graeser, 1888 (NHML); 12, correct lectotype of A. nigrofascicula Graes. (ZISP); 13, so-called ‘type’ of Cymatophora tancrei Graeser, 1888, from ZMHU; 14, labels of C. tancrei enlarged and cover page of the publication issue; 15, false holotype of Cymatophora or var. terrosa Graeser, 1888 (ZMHU); 16, correct lectotype of C. or var. terrosa Graes. (ZISP); 17, lectotype of Thyatira violacea Fixsen, 1887 (ZISP); 18, its reproduction from the original description (pl. 15, fig. 11); 19, paratype of Nothoploca nigripunctata ssp. zolotarenkoi Dubatolov, 1987 (ZISP); 20, holotype of Cymatophora trifolium Alphéraky, 1895 (ZISP); 21, lectotype of Thyatira opalescens Alphéraky, 1897 (ZISP); 22, its reproduction from the original description (pl. 9, fig. 7); 23, location of Pung-Tung village on the map by Fixsen (1887).";