dc:description"FIGURES 3 – 6. Comparison of face (3 – 4 A), tegmen (3 – 5 B), hind wing (3 – 5 C), lateral aspect of head, pronotum and scutellum (6 A – M) and dorsal aspect (N – O) in genera of Clastopterini (3 – 4), Machaerotinae (5), Sepullini (6 A – L, O) and Aphrophorinae (6 M – N): 3 A, Clastoptera atrapicata; 3 B – C, Clastoptera globosa Fowler; 6 A, Clastoptera achatina; 4 B – C, Iba (s. s.) venosa; 5 B – C, Aphrosiphon bauhiniae, from China (1935), 6 B, Iba (Parahindoloides) lumuana, lectotype, 6 C, Beesoniella sylvestris; 6 D, Sepullia fuscolimbatus; 6 E, Tremapterus (Patriziana) somalicus; 6 F, Tremapterus (s. s.) nigropunctatus, lectotype; 6 G, Tremapterus (s. s.) palimpsestus sp. nov.; 6 H, Tremapterus (Abbalomba) schoutedeni, holotype; 6 J, Tremapterus (Abbalomba) facialis, lectotype; 6 K, Tremapterus (Abbalomba) typicus; 6 L, Grellaphia costalis; 6 O, Sepullia viridicollis var. curtula; 6 M – N, Witteella major (M – O from Jacobi 1910, with hind legs of Sepullia corrected to place spines on outer surface).";
dc:description"FIGURE 10. Second valvulae of Clastopterinae: Iba (A – C), Clastoptera (D – E), Tremapterus nominate subgenus (F – K) and subgenus Patriziana (L – P). A, Iba cuneata (holotype of C. bakeri); B, I. venosa sp. nov., holotype; C, I. (Parahindoloides) lumuana, lectotype; D, Clastoptera laevigata sp. nov., holotype; E, C. laenata Fowler, syntype; F, Tremapterus rufus; G, T. pluto, holotype; H, T. nigropunctatus; J, T. centonis; K, T. palimpsestus; L, T. combae, holotype; M, T. turneri, holotype; N, T. brunneus; O, T. janus; P, T. fuscus. Scale line: 1 mm.";