dc:description"FIGURES 32 – 37. Nothocyphon lanceolatus - group, N. lanceolatus, male. 32, lateral view of everted terminalia; 33, same, dorsal view (paratype from Cradle Mtn); 34, T 8; 35, S 8; 36, penis and parameres of paratype from Hartz Mts NP; 37, same, specimen from Gordon R. 33, 36, 37 to the same, others not to scale. Abbreviations: pa, pala; pe, paramere; pd, parameroid; sp, spur of paramere; te, tegmen; tr, trigonium; S, sternites, T, tergites, with number of segment.";
dc:description"FIGURES 48 – 51. Nothocyphon lanceolatus - group, males. N. biserratus: 48, penis and parameres. — N. nungatta, holotype: 49, penis, parameres and S 9, superimposed, with enlarged details of armature on parameres. — N. taeniatus: 50, terminalia of paratype, ventral; 51, segment 9 and genitalia of holotype, superimposed. All to the same scale, except the insets in 49 which are to a different scale, the same for both. Apodemes of S 9 shown in black, sclerotized medio-ventral lobe of paramere (mv) stippled. Additional abbreviations: c, a lateral crest delimiting the window; dl, dorsolateral lobe of paramere; lp, lateral process; mp, medial process; p, projection from the window; w, window-like opening in front of the trigonium base.";
dc:description"FIGURES 41 – 47. Nothocyphon lanceolatus - group, males. N. serratipenis: 41, T 8, S 8, tegmen with parameres, T 9 and S 9, superimposed; 42, penis, ventral view; 43, penis apex of same male, from National Park; 44, same, specimen from Hobart; 45, dorsal pattern. — N. multidentatus: 46, segments 8 and 9, superimposed; 47, tegmen with parameres and penis; the arrow points at the sclerotized bracket of the parameres. 41, 42 and 43, 44 to the same scales, respectively; 45 not to scale.";
dc:description"FIGURES 52 – 56. Nothocyphon lanceolatus - group, males. Nothocyphon sp. A: 52, lobes of S 9, tegmen with parameres and remains of pala (p) and of a parameroid (pd). — N. denticulatus: 53, T 8; 54, T 9; 55, S 8 and S 9, superimposed; 56, penis and tegmen. The scale applies to Fig. 56; for the other figures, its length corresponds to 400 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURES 165 – 173. Habitus of Nothocyphon spp.: 165, N. lindensis; 166, N. taurus; 167, N. taeniatus; 168, N. denticulatus; 169, N. donnabuangi; 170, N. imitator; 171, N. frater; 172, N. frater, lateral; 173, N. taurus, lateral. To similar sizes, not to scale.";