dc:description"Fig. 1 — New distribution record of Jaydia queketti and Ostorhinchus fasciatus from Off Digha Coast, Northern Bay of Bengal Table 1 — Morphometric measurements in % of SL of two cardinal fishes from the north-east coast of India (present study) Morphometric characters Jaydia queketti Ostorhinchus fasciatus Standard length 84.77 mm 69.50 mm Body depth 35.46 34.58 Body width 18.44 18.02 Head length 45.68 40.20 Snout length 8.03 8.65 Orbit diameter 11.86 12.63 Interorbital length 10.49 7.12 Upper-jaw length 22.42 19.64 1stdorsal spine length 3.85 1.42 2nddorsal spine length 9.19 7.13 3rddorsal spine length 14.04 16.38 4th dorsal spine length 15.31 15.93 Fig. 2 — Jaydia queketti (ZSI/F12810/2, 102.33 mm TL, 1stanal spine length 2.81 2.47 off Digha) 2ndanal spine length 11.03 11.91 smooth, edges finely serrated, preopercle bones Pectoral-fin length 21.94 25.58 scaled, post-temporal bone serrated. Mouth Pelvic-fin length 23.78 23.35 moderately large; maxilla partly covered by suborbital Pelvic spine length 12.85 13.06 bone; small villiform conical teeth on jaws; Caudal-peduncle depth 16.44 15.19 supramaxilla very small. Pectoral fin pointed dorsally, Caudal-peduncle length 20.45 23.70 ending just before anal fin origin. Origin of anal fin from dorsal fin origin to lateral line 2; single lateral under third soft dorsal ray. line extends on to caudal fin, LL 24 (+ 3 on caudal). Colour: Body normally pinkish to light grey Gillrakers 16 (5 + 11); developed gill rakers 13 dorsally, fades towards abdomen and shading to (3 + 10), branchiostegal rays 5. Preopercle ridge silvery on sides and abdomen, covered with dark";