dc:creator"Borrero-Pérez, Giomar H.; Solís-Marín, Francisco A.; Lessios, Harilaos";
dc:title"Understanding the color variability and resolving taxonomic confusion in the sea cucumber Isostichopus badionotus (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea): a revision of the genus Isostichopus";
dc:description"Fig. 4. Comparison of the calcareous rings of species and subspecies of Isostichopus Deichmann, 1958. A. I. badionotus (Selenka, 1867). B. I. maculatus phoenius (Clark, 1922) (A–B showing calcareous rings from specimens of different sizes). C. I. maculatus maculatus (Greeff, 1882). D. I. fuscus (Ludwig, 1875). E. I. macroparentheses (Clark, 1922). Dimensions of the individuals from which each ring was obtained are shown next to their museum catalog number. Abbreviations: ip = interradial plate; rp = radial plate. Scale bar = 4 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 20. Isostichopus fuscus (Ludwig, 1875) ossicles (specimen USNM 1682794-Ta213, 155 mm long). A. Thin C-shaped rods, tables, perforated plates and large, curved rods from dorsal body wall and papillae. B. Thin C-shaped rods, tables, perforated plates, large, curved rods and end plate (fragment) from ventral body wall and tube feet. C. Rods and tables from tentacles. D. Thin C-shaped rods from longitudinal muscles. E. Rods bifurcated from the cloaca. F. Large tables with a circular spire well developed in the anterior cloaca. G. Tables from respiratory trees. H. Rods in cross shape, simple rods, and C-shaped rods in the intestine. Photos by G. Borrero.";
dc:description"Fig. 11. Light microscope photographs showing ossicles from the mouth membrane, anterior cloaca, posterior cloaca, and gonads of the species and subspecies of Isostichopus Deichmann, 1958. A. I. badionotus (Selenka, 1867) (mouth membrane and gonads from the lectotype MCZ HOL-509; anterior and posterior cloaca from USNM 1659457-IbBT116). B. I. maculatus phoenius (Clark, 1922) (all ossicles from the holotype MCZ HOL-1182). C. I. maculatus maculatus (Greeff, 1882) (all ossicles from the neotype USNM E16150; male gonads at the bottom from the neoparatype USNM E16151). D. I. fuscus (Ludwig, 1875) (mouth membrane from MCZ HOL-742; anterior cloaca from MBMLP- If212; posterior cloaca and gonads from MCZ HOL-743). E. I. macroparentheses (Clark, 1922) (mouth membrane, anterior and posterior cloaca from USNM E47524; gonads from the holotype MCZ HOL- 921). Photos by G. Borrero. Scale bars = 100 µm.";
dc:description"Fig. 5. Geographic distribution of species and subspecies of Isostichopus Deichmann, 1958. A. I. badionotus (Selenka, 1867) (gray circles), I. maculatus phoenius (Clark, 1922) (red squares) and I. maculatus maculatus (Greeff, 1882) (blue circles). B. I. fuscus (Ludwig, 1875) (green circles) and I. macroparentheses (Clark, 1922) (orange circles). Locations for I. badionotus and I. fuscus were constructed based on observation records in Global Biodiversity Information Facility data and from museum specimens. Locations forI. maculatus phoenius, I. maculatusmaculatus andI. macroparentheses were constructed based only on confirmed localities of collected or preserved museum specimens.";
dc:description"Fig. 23. Isostichopus macroparentheses (Clark, 1922), ossicles (specimen USNM E47524, 135 mm long). A. Thin C-shaped rods, tables, perforated plates, and large rods from the dorsal body wall and papillae. B. Tables, perforated plates, large rods and end plate from the ventral body wall and tube feet. C. Rods from tentacles. D. Rods from longitudinal muscles. E. Rods and C-shaped rods from the cloaca. F. Tridimensional sphere and straight rods from respiratory trees. G. Cross-shaped ossicles from intestine. Photos by G. Borrero.";
dc:description"Fig. 24. Color patterns and morphological variation of Isostichopus macroparentheses (Clark, 1922) (DNA sequences and detailed information of some specimens are indicated in Table 1, see Photo ID column for correspondence). A–B. Dorsal and ventral view of juvenile USNM 1659484-Be99 from Belize. C–D. Dorsal and ventral view of juvenile USNM 1659485-Be107 from Belize. E. Dorsal view of juvenile UF 20352 from Curaçao. F. Dorsal and ventral view of preserved specimens from British Virgin Islands (USNM E47524). G. Dorsal and ventral view of preserved specimens from US Virgin Islands (USNM E40833). H. Dorsal view of preserved specimen from English Harbor, Antigua Island (USNM E4391). I. Lateral view of preserved specimen from Carrie Bow Cay, Belize (USNM E18627). J–K. Dorsal and ventral view of specimen from Mexico. Photos: A–D, F–I by G. Borrero; J–K by F. Solís-Marín; E by Florida Museum of Natural History Data Collection. Scale bars: F = 20 mm; G = 10 mm; H–I = 1 mm each line.";
dc:description"Fig. 10. Light microscope photographs of the same specimens as in Fig. 9 (see the length (L) for correspondence), comparing ossicle size and shape from dorsal papillae and dorsal body wall from small to large specimens from each of the species and subspecies of Isostichopus Deichmann, 1958. A. I. badionotus (Selenka, 1867). B. I. maculatus phoenius (Clark, 1922). C. I. maculatus maculatus (Greeff, 1882). D. I. fuscus (Ludwig, 1875). E. I. macroparentheses (Clark, 1922). Photos by G. Borrero. Scale bars = 100 µm.";
dc:description"Fig. 13. Isostichopus maculatus maculatus (Greeff, 1882) ossicles (neotype USNM E16150, 105 mm long). A. Thin C-shaped rods, modified maculatus tables, regular Isostichopus tables, perforated plates, and large, curved rods from the dorsal body wall and papillae. B. Tables, perforated plates, large, curved rods and end plate (not complete, ½ of the round plate) from the ventral body wall and tube feet. C. Rods and tables from tentacles. D. Rods from longitudinal muscles. E. Spinous irregular plate-like branched rods in the cloaca. F. Bifurcated spinous rod in the respiratory trees. G. Cross-shaped ossicles from the intestine. H. Simple rods from the gonads. Photos by G. Borrero.";
dc:description"Fig. 19. Preserved specimens of Isostichopus fuscus (Ludwig, 1875) from Acapulco, Mexico and of Selenka’s syntype of I. badionotus (Selenka, 1867) (MCZ HOL-743, 160–175 mm long). A. Dorsal view of three specimens. B. Ossicles from dorsal papillae. C. Large tables with circular spire from the anterior cloaca. Photos by G. Borrero. Scale bars: A = 30 mm; B–C = 100 µm.";
dc:description"Fig. 21. Color patterns and morphological variation of Isostichopus fuscus (Ludwig, 1875) (DNA sequences and detailed information of some specimens are indicated in Table 1, see Photo ID column for correspondence). A–C, D–E-bottom, F-top, G–H. Specimens with “Reticulated” pattern from Taboguilla, Panama (Ta210) (A), Perlas Islands, Panama (B), North Chocó, Colombia (C, D–E-bottom dorsal and ventral view, F-top, G–H). D–E-top, I, K–L. Specimens with “Chocolate brown and reddish” pattern from North Choco, Colombia (I, D–E-top-dorsal and ventral view, K-small specimen completely red), and Perlas Islands, Panamá (L, small specimen completely red). J. Specimen with “Chocolate brown and stains” pattern from Mexico. F-bottom. Specimen with “Chocolate brown uniform” pattern from North Chocó, Colombia. M. Preserved juvenile from North Choco, Colombia (original coloration not recorded). N. Juvenile from Mexico, “chocolate brown uniform with yellow papillae” pattern. Photos: F–I by L. Chasqui; L by A. Calderón; J, N by C. Sánchez; A–E, K, M by G. Borrero. Scale bars: B, M = 10 mm; D–E = 30 mm; C, K, N = 20 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 15. Preserved specimens of Isostichopus maculatus phoenius (Clark, 1922). A. Dorsal and ventral view of the holotype from Buccoo Reef, Tobago (MCZ HOL-1182, 135 mm long). B. Holotype ossicles from dorsal papillae showing tables, thin C-shaped rods, worm-like rods, large, curved rods and perforated plates. C. Specimen from Antigua (USNM 1283367), dorsal and ventral view. D. Specimen from Antigua (MCZ HOL-4282), dorsal and ventral view. E. Specimen from Coco-Plum Key, Belize (USNM E18639), dorsal view. F. Specimen from Texas, Stetson Bank, USA (USNM 1080469), dorsal view. G. Specimens from Buccoo Reef, Tobago (MCZ HOL-1181; same locality as the holotype), dorsal view. Photos by G. Borrero. Scale bars: A = 10 mm; B = 100 µm; C–E, G = 20 mm; F = 10 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 16. Isostichopus maculatus phoenius (Clark, 1922) ossicles (specimen USNM 1659477-BT43, 160 mm long). A. Thin C-shaped rods, tables, worm-like rods, perforated plates and large, curved rods from papillae and dorsal body wall. B. Thin C-shaped rods, tables, perforated plates, large, curved rods and end plate (not complete, broken at the outer edge) from ventral body wall and tube feet. C. C-shaped rods, simple rods and tables from tentacles. D. Large tables from mouth membrane. E. Thin C-shaped rods and simple rods from longitudinal muscles. F. Simple and bifurcated rods in a cross shape in the cloaca. G. Tables from respiratory trees. H. Cross-shaped rods from intestine. I. Simple rods from gonads. Photos by G. Borrero.";
dc:description"Fig. 18. In situ photographs of Isostichopus maculatus phoenius (Clark, 1922), showing the habitat of the species. A–I, L, P. Specimens from Bocas del Toro, Panama (L, the specimen was under the coral head; P, during the night). K, M–O. Galeta, Panama. J. Banco de las Ánimas, Colombia. Q–T. Mexico. Photos: B–D, F–G, P by A. Castillo; Q–T by F. Solís-Marín; J by N. Ardila; A, H–I, K–O by G. Borrero.";
dc:description"Fig. 7. Isostichopus badionotus (Selenka, 1867) ossicles (specimen USNM 1659454-BT111, 190 mm long). A. Thin C-shaped rods, tables, perforated plates and large, curved rods from dorsal body wall and papillae. B. Thin C- and S-shaped rods, tables, perforated plates, large, curved rods and end plate (not complete, ¼ of the plate) from ventral body wall and tube feet. C. Rods and tables from tentacles. D. Large tables from mouth membrane. E. Thin C-shaped rods and simple rods from longitudinal muscles. F. Thin C-shaped rods, simple, cross-shaped and irregular plate-like branched rods in the cloaca. G. Table from respiratory trees. H. Cross-shaped ossicles from intestine. I. Simple rod from gonads. Photos by G. Borrero.";