dc:description"FIGURE 1. Photographs of Nephrocerus species. Abbreviation: prepst = proepisternum. Scale bars = 1.0 mm. A. Nephrocerus acanthostylus, holotype, JSS # 15348, ♂, dorsal of head, thorax and base of abdomen. B. Nephrocerus slossonae, JSS # 11834, ♂, dorsal of head, thorax and base of abdomen. C. Nephrocerus acanthostylus, JSS # 13450, Ψ, left lateral. D. Nephrocerus slossonae, JSS # 11836, ♂, left lateral of head and thorax. E. ♂, Nephrocerus slossonae, JSS # 11490, left lateral of head and thorax.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Posterior view of distal region of right hind tibia, Nephrocerus species. Scale bars = 0.1 mm. A. Nephrocerus acanthostylus JSS # 13490. B. Nephrocerus corpulentus JSS # 11470. C. Nephrocerus slossonae JSS # 11827.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Male Nephrocerus corpulentus terminalia, ejaculatory apodeme and sperm pump removed; all from JSS # 11513. Arrows indicate key features. Scale bars = 0.1 mm. A. left lateral. B. right lateral. C. dorsal. D. ventral.";
dc:description"FIGURE 11. Male Nephrocerus slossonae terminalia, ejaculatory apodeme and sperm pump removed; all from JSS # 11409. Arrows indicate key features. Scale bars = 0.1 mm. A. left lateral. B. right lateral. C. dorsal. D. ventral, phallus removed.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Male Nephrocerus atrapilus terminalia, ejaculatory apodeme and sperm pump removed. Arrows indicate key feature. Scale bars = 0.1 mm. A. left lateral, JSS # 11484. B. right lateral, JSS # 11495. C. dorsal, JSS # 11495. D. ventral, JSS # 11495, phallus removed.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Male Nephrocerus daeckei terminalia, ejaculatory apodeme and sperm pump removed; all from JSS # 11408. Arrows indicate key features. Scale bars = 0.1 mm. A. left lateral. B. right lateral. C. dorsal. D. ventral, phallus removed.";
dc:description"FIGURE 13. Male Nephrocerus woodi terminalia, ejaculatory apodeme and sperm pump removed. Arrows indicate key features. Scale bars = 0.1 mm. A. left lateral, JSS # 9905. B. right lateral, JSS # 9902. C. dorsal, JSS # 9902. D. ventral, JSS # 9902, phallus removed.";