dc:creator"Schmidt, Ray C.; Bart Jr, Henry L.; Nyingi, Wanja Dorothy";
dc:title"Two new species of African suckermouth catfishes, genus Chiloglanis (Siluriformes: Mochokidae), from Kenya with remarks on other taxa from the area";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Collection localities of Chiloglanis specimens included in this study and type localities of new species described herein: Chiloglanis deckenii (triangle), C. brevibarbis (circle), C. somereni (square), C. kerioensis (type locality—asterisk, paratypes—cross), and C. devosi (type locality—star). Drainage boundaries denoted by white lines.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Lateral and ventral views of Chiloglanis deckenii (A), TU 203003, Kenya, Coast Province, Lumi River at Taveta Township: and Chiloglanis brevibarbis (B), NMK FW / 2732 / 1 - 5, Kenya, Eastern Province, Ragati River at Kwamora area off Sagana-Karatina Road. Scale bar equals 1 cm. Photographs by R. C. Schmidt.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Plot of PC 1 to PC 2 from principal components analysis of the residuals of 45 linear measurements regressed against standard length of 169 Chiloglanis specimens. Polygons outline individuals from each species or population. Two new Chiloglanis species are outlined in bold with holotypes (star). The undescribed taxon from the Tsavo River is outlined in hash line. Measurements contributing most to variation along PC 1 and PC 2 are shown.";