dc:title"A New Species of Cladolabes (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Dendrochirotida: Sclerodactylidae) from Nagasaki, Japan, with Partial Redescription of the Neotype of C. limaconotus";
dc:description"Fig. 1. Cladolabes kirara sp. nov., lateral views, A–C, WMNH-2013-INV-5 (holotype); D, WMNH-2013-INV-10 (paratype). A, B, Living state, before (A) and after (B) anaesthetization; C, preserved state; D, preserved state, fixed without anaesthesia, tentacles and introvert entirely retracted. Abbreviations indicating sites of tissue sampling for ossicle examination: aa, anterior part of body on abdominal side; am, middle part of body on abdominal side; ap, posterior part of body on abdominal side; da, anterior part of body on dorsal side; dm, middle part of body on dorsal side; dp, posterior part of body on dorsal side; ia, anterior part of introvert; im, middle part of introvert; ip, posteror part of introvert; ped, pedicel; ten, tentacle.";
dc:description"Fig. 5. Cladolabes kirara sp. nov., ossicles of inter-radius of introvert on abdominal side. A, WMNH-2013-INV-7 (paratype); B, WMNH- 2013-INV-10 (paratype). Abbreviations: hs, two-pillared table with high spire (containing two to three cross-beams [or holes]) and a rudimentary disc; ia, ossicles in anterior part of introvert; im, ossicles in middle part of introvert; ip, ossicles in posterior part of introvert; ss, twopillared table with short spire (containing zero to one cross-beams [or holes]) and a large disc.";
dc:description"Fig. 6. Cladolabes kirara sp. nov., integument ossicles of inter-radius in middle part of body. A, WMNH-2013-INV-7 (paratpe); B, WMNH-2013-INV-10 (paratype). Abbreviations: am, ossicles in middle part of body on abdominal side; cdd, two-pillared table with completely degenerated disc; rd, two-pillared table with rudimentary disc; dm, ossicles in middle part of body on dorsal side; ind, table with indeterminate shape.";
dc:description"Fig. 7. Cladolabes kirara sp. nov., ossicles in pedicels from middle part of body on abdominal side. A, WMNH-2013-INV-7 (paratype); B, WMNH-2013-INV-10 (paratype).";