dc:description"Figure 12. Type material of Zygophylax lighti sp. nov.A, a colony; B, hydrothecal arrangement; C, two axillary hydrothecae and four gonothecae; D, magnification of an axillary hydrotheca; E, magnification of nematothecae (arrow); F, I, hydrotheca, the arrow in I indicates a nematotheca; G, J, magnification of the indentation (arrows); H, magnification of an oblique hydrothecal diaphragm (arrow); K–M, gonothecae; N, gonotheca with dichotomous defensive tubes; O, magnification of a node (arrow) on the defensive tubes. A–O: XMUB7904, holotype, South China Sea. A–H, K, L, light microscope images; I, J, M–O, SEM images. Scale bars:A = 5 mm; B, C = 1 mm, D, F, I, M, N = 200 µm; E, G, H = 100 µm; J, O = 50 µm; K, L = 500 µm.";
dc:description"Figure 13. Hydrothecal arrangement and gonothecae of three new species. A, B, Zygophylax lighti sp. nov.; C, D, Z. pseudosibogae sp. nov.; E, F, Z. tankahkeei sp. nov. A, C, E, hydrothecal arrangement, the bases of hydrothecal pedicels are unilateral arranged, and the distal hydrothecal ends alternately turn left and right, respectively; B, D, F, gonothecae (with defensive tubes). Scale bars: A–F = 500 µm.";
dc:description"Figure 14. Morphological comparisons of selected zygophylacids with curved hydrothecae. A, Zygophylax lighti sp. nov.; B, Z. tankahkeei sp. nov.; C, Z. pseudosibogae sp. nov.; D, E, Z. sibogae Billard, 1918; F, Z. unilateralis Totton, 1930; G, Z. convallaria (Allman, 1877); H, Z. infundibulum Millard, 1958; I, Z. concinna (Ritchie, 1911); J, Z. reflexa (Fraser, 1948); K, Z. adhaerens (Fraser, 1938), hydrothecal basal portion is adherent on the hydrocladium; L, Z. tizardensis Kirkpatrick, 1890; M, Z. kakaiba Campos, Marques, Puce & Pérez, 2016; N, Z. curvitheca Stechow, 1913; O, Cryptolaria prima Busk, 1858, the hydrotheca is almost completely immersed in the hydrocladium. A, XMUB7904, holotype; B, XMUB6200-1, holotype; C, ZSM 20220300, holotype; N, ZSM 20043572, paralectotype. The following images were redrawn from the related original descriptions: D, Schuchert (2003); E, Billard (1918); F, Totton (1930); G, Allman (1877); H, Millard (1958); I, Ritchie (1911); J, Fraser (1948); K, Fraser (1938); L, Kirkpatrick (1890), Hirohito (1995); M, Campos et al. (2016); O, Busk (1858), Ralph (1958). All arrows indicate hydrothecal indentations. Scale bars: A–D, F–I, L–O = 500 µm; E, J, K, unknown.";