dc:title"The spine armament of the legs as an important means for the characterisation of the genera of Corydiinae and their relationships (Blattodea, Corydiidae)";
dc:description"FIGURE 15. A: Male subgenital plate in ventral view, arrow points to fine long bristles inserting on the dorsal surface of the plate; B–F: Male supraanal plate with paraprocts, in dorsal view; G–J: Posterior part of the right phallomere, in standard view.—Species: A,B,G: Anisogamia tamerlana, Bo 1401; C: Heterogamodes ursina, Bo 1357; D: Mononychoblatta semenovi, Bo 1391; E: Heterogamisca cerverae, Bo 1365; F: Mollidentoblatta marmorata, Bo 1382; H: Polyphaga obscura, Bo 1396; I: Polyphagina algerica, Bo 1376; J: Eupolyphaga, spec. 2, Bo 1367.—Phallomere types: G,H: Type 4; I:Type 8; J: Type 7.—Explanations: R1M (in I almost membraneous), R2, R3 sclerites of the right phallomere, MD main dent of R2, not stepped, in (H) with a concavity at the backsite (arrow), in (I) very flat, in (J) with a gutter on the upper surface (arrow); c cercus, p paraproct, s stylus.—Enlargements: Scale 0.25 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 17. Supraanal plate with paraprocts (at the left) and subgenital plate (at the right) of male.—Species: A: Polyphaga obscura, Bo 1396; B: P.aegyptiaca, from Lesbos, ex cult.; C,D: Eremoblatta subdiaphana, Bo1415; E,F: Arenivaga bolliana, Bo 1407; G,H: Polyphagina algerica. (G) Bo 1376; (H) Bo 1375.—Abbreviations: c cercus, p paraproct, s stylus.—Enlargements: Scale in C and D 0.5 mm, in all others 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 18. Cerci of male with tricholiths, ventral view.—Species: A: Euthyrrhapha pacifica, Cap Verden, Cv 35/7; B: Tiviella inconspicua, Bo 612; C: Homoeogamia mexicana, Bo 1180; D: Polyphagina algerica, Bo 1376; E: Arenivaga bolliana, Bo 1407; F: Eremoblatta subdiaphana, Bo 1415; G: Ergaula cf. capensis, Bo 1185; H: Therea cf. petiveriana Bo 1378; I: Polyphaga aegyptiaca, from Lesbos, ex. cult.; J: Anisogamia tamerlana, Bo 1401; K: Psammoblatta livida, Bo 1334.—Number of tricholiths per anulus: A: one or two (at the base few anuli); B–F: two; G,H: three; I–K: more than five.—Enlargements: Scale in B 0.1 mm, in all others 0.25 mm.";