dc:description"FIGURES 128–132. 128: L. sapos metasoma oblique ventral view to show yellow sterna and ventrally reflexed portions of terga, 129: L. discolor metasoma in ventral view to show sterna suffused with brown and pale marks on reflexed portions only on more apical terga (arrows), 130: L. molavi—metasoma in lateral view to show dark metasomal sterna and lateral margins of terga, 131: L. jenamro mandible to show tuft of specialized hairs where lamellate outer ridge (red arrow) meets ventral margin, 132: L. molavi mandible to show unmodified outer ridge (red arrow) and absence of tuft of specialized hairs. Scale bars Figs.128–130 0.5mm, Figs. 131–132 0.25mm.";
dc:description"FIGURES 139–141. Liphanthus sp. metasomal venters to show margin of S2:139: L. centralis, lacking apicomedian process (arrow), 140: L. bicellularis with acute, narrow apicomedian process (between arrows), 141: L. molavi with short, blunt and setose apicomedial process (between arrows). Scale bars 0.5mm.";
dc:description"FIGURES 142–147. 142: L. molavi head, frontal view to show black subantennal scerite and scape, 143: L. bicellularis head, frontal view to show mostly pale subantennal sclerite and anterior surface of scape, 144: L. molavi apex of head, side view to show evenly curved clypeal profile (red curve) and acute epistomal lob (black arrow)e, 145: L. bicellularis apex of head, side view to show angulate profile of clypeus (red curve) and right angular to obtuse epistomal lobe (black arrow), 146: L. molavi metasoma, dorsal view, to show yellow band on T2, 147: L. bicellularis metasoma, dorsal view to show absence of pale marking in T2. Scale bars Figs. 142–143 0.5mm, Figs. 144–145 0.25mm, Figs. 146–147 1mm.";
dc:description"FIGURES 177–180. 177: L. centralis head, frontal view to show absence of yellow marking on clypeus, 178: L. centralis dorsal view of posterior portion of mesosoma to show lack of surface sculpture on metapostnotum, 179: L. molavi head, frontal view to show yellow marking on clypeus, 180: L. molavi dorsal view of posterior portion of mesosoma to show surface sculpture on metapostnotum. Scale bars 0.5mm.";
dc:description"FIGURES 185–190. 185: L. bicellularis head frontal view to show absence of pale marking on lower paraocular area, 186: L. bicellularis dorsomedial portion of face to show relative length (red line) to width (blue line) of facial fovea, 187: L. bicellularis mesosomal dorsum to show weak microsculpture and shiny surface, 188: L. molavi head frontal view to show pale marking on lower paraocular area, 189: L. molavi dorsomedial portion of face to show relative length (red line) to width (blue line) of facial fovea, 190: L. molavi mesosomal dorsum to show strong microsculpture and dull surface. Scale bars Figs. 185, 187–188 & 190 0.5mm, Figs. 186 & 189 0.25mm.";