dc:description"FIGURE 2. A – G. Teretia tavianii sp. nov., Gulf of Aden, Cruise RED SED 92, stn RS 1. A – B. Holotype (MZB 60097), 3.2 x 1.5 mm. C. Paratype 1 (MZB 60098), penultimate whorl, scale bar 1 mm. D. Surface microsculpture of penultimate whorl, scale bar 200 µm. E – F. Protoconch, scale bar 200 µm. G. Details of protoconch 1, scale bar 50 µm. H – N. Teretia tongaensis sp. nov. H – N. Holotype (MNHN IM- 2000 - 28379), Tonga, Cruise BORDAU 2, stn DW 1553, 8.2 x 3.4 mm H – J. Frontal and lateral view of holotype, scale bar 2 mm L. Penultimate whorl, scale bar 500 µm. M. Microsculpture of penultimate whorl, scale bar 500 µm. N. Microsculpture of penultimate whorl, scale bar 100 µm. O – P. Protoconch, scale bar 200 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. A – F. Teretia teres (Reeve, 1844), Jonian Sea, from 39 ° 33.3 ’ N – 18 ° 04.7 ’ E to 39 ° 33.6 ’ N – 18 ° 54.5 ’ E, 1017 – 1060 m [N / O “ Bannock ”, Cruise J 74, stn 12] (MZB 11791). A. Specimen A, shell, 6.9 x 3.3 mm. B – F. Specimen B coated B. Penultimate whorl, scale bar 500 µm. C. Surface microsculpture of penultimate whorl, scale bar 100 µm. E – F. Protoconch, scale bar 200 µm. G. Details of protoconch 1, scale bar 100 µm. G. † Teretia elegantissima (Foresti, 1868), Italy, Calabria, Vallone Catrica (RC) (MZB 14856) H. Pleurotomella packardi Verril, 1872, Atlantic Ocean, Cruise BIOGAS, stn CP 37, 47 ° 34 ’ N – 08 ° 39 W, 2175 m.";