dc:description"Figure 164. Morphological features of Anadenanthera (A-I) and Parkia sect. Platyparkia (J-L) A A. colubrina (Vell.) Brenan capitulum cut in half, at anthesis B capitula at anthesis and in bud C shrub D Anadenanthera sp. foliage and petiolar nectary E A. colubrina mature pods F mammillate projections on trunk G dehisced pods H A. peregrina var. falcata (Benth.) Altschul mammillate trunks I A. peregrina (L.) Speg. var. peregrina trees with smooth trunks J Parkia pendula (Willd.) Benth. ex Walp. (Hopkins & Hopkins 273), Neotropics, tree crown K capitulum at anthesis, nectar exuding from apical flowers L pods with enlarged adaxial suture secreting gum into which the seeds have fallen. Photo credits A-I RT Queiroz https: // rubens-plantasdobrasil. blogspot. com / J-L MJG Hopkins and HCF Hopkins.";
dc:description"Figure 166. Morphological features of Parkia sect. Parkia (A-L) and sect. Parkia Sphaeroparkia (M, N) A P. bicolor A. Chev. pendent capitulum approaching anthesis, Korup National Park, Cameroon B P. biglobosa (Jacq.) R. Br. ex G. Don pendent capitulum cut in half, Ibadan, Nigeria C P. decussata Ducke erect capitulum at anthesis, Neotropics (Hopkins & Hopkins 237) D P. timoriana (DC.) Merr. pendent capitulum, South East Asia (H. C. F. Hopkins 634) E P. gigantocarpa Ducke pendent capitulum and another cut in half, shortly post-anthesis, finger ring gives scale, Neotropics (Hopkins & Hopkins 298) F P. igneiflora Ducke pendent capitulum near anthesis, Neotropics (Hopkins & Hopkins 230) G P. speciosa Hassk., capitula at anthesis, Temburong, Brunei H P. discolor Spruce ex Benth. indehiscent pods nearing maturity, Neotropics (Hopkins & Hopkins 264) I, J P. bicolor I ripe indehiscent pod with yellow valves containing orange pulp, Bero Mts, Guinea-Conakry J immature pods, Korup National Park, Cameroon K P. cachimboensis H. C. Hopkins dehiscent pods lacking gum, the seeds attached by their funicles, Serra do Cachimbo, Brazil L P. igneiflora var. aurea Ducke vel aff. erect compound inflorescence axes projecting above the tree crown bearing pendent yellow capitula on short pendent peduncles, Cachoeira Berro d'Agua, AM, Brazil M, N P. multijuga Benth. M capitula at anthesis and in bud, Trombetas, Brazil N old pod from ground plus seeds, INPA, Manaus, Brazil. Photo credits A R Gruenmeier B HCF Hopkins C-F, H, K, N MJG Hopkins and HCF Hopkins G I Nielsen I M Cheek J X van der Burgt L L Mello M unknown.";
dc:description"Figure 167. Distribution of Parkia based on quality-controlled digitised herbarium records. The presence of the West African P. biglobosa (Jacq.) R. Br. ex G. Don in Haiti, where it is naturalised, is not shown. See Suppl. material 1 for the source of occurrence data.";