dc:title"Phalangopsidae crickets from Tropical Africa (Orthoptera, Grylloidea), with descriptions of new taxa and an identification key for African genera";
dc:description"FIGURE 15. Paragryllodes amani Desutter-Grandcolas, n. sp., male holotype (A, C – E, H, I), female allotype (B, F, K, L) and male paratype MNHN-EO-ENSIF 3597 (G): habitus in dorsal view (A, B); face coloration (C); hindtibia in dorsal view (D); forewings in dorsal view (E, F); male metanotum (G); supra anal (H) and subgenital (I, K) plates; ovipositor apex in lateral view (L). Scales for habitus 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 12. Upupagryllus subapterus Desutter-Grandcolas, n. sp., male holotype (A, D – H) and female allotype (B, C, I, J): habitus in dorsal (A, B) and lateral (C) views; head in dorsal (D), lateral (E) and frontal (F) views; supra anal (G, I) and subgenital (H, J) plates. Scales for habitus 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 13. Upupagryllus Desutter-Grandcolas, n. gen., A – I, U. subapterus Desutter-Grandcolas, n. sp., A, maxillary palpus; B, apex of female ovipositor; C – I, female copulatory papilla, dorsal (C, F), ventral (D, G), lateral (E, H, I), in female fn 5, 23. v. 1995 (C – E), female fn 13, 17. v. 1995 (F – H) and female fn 19, 19. v. 1995 (I). J – P, U. alatus Desutter-Grandcolas, n. sp.: J, maxillary palpus; K, L, dorsal and lateral field of male holotype right FW; M, female subgenital plate; N – P, female copulatory papilla, dorsal (N), ventral (O) and lateral (P) views. Scale bars 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 14. Upupagryllus Desutter-Grandcolas, n. gen., Male genitalia: A – C, U. subapterus Desutter-Grandcolas, n. sp.; D – F, U. alatus Desutter-Grandcolas, n. sp. in dorsal (A, D), ventral (B, E) and lateral (C, F) views. Abbreviations: see page 4.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Phasmagryllus elegans Desutter-Grandcolas, n. sp., male holotype. A, dorsal view, scale 1 mm; B, head and pronotum, dorsal view; C, face and maxillary palpi; D, hindtibia, dorsal view; E, right forewing, dorsal view; F, metanotum and tergite structures, dorsal view; G, subgenital plate, ventral view; H, subgenital plate and right forewing, lateral view; I, supra anal plate, dorsal view. Arrows point to the left pseudepiphallic distal process, which is extremely long.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Phasmagryllus elegans Desutter-Grandcolas, n. sp. A, maxillary palpus, female allotype; B, C, venation of dorsal and lateral fields of male holotype FWs; D-F, male holotype subgenital plate, ventral (D), right side (E) and left side (F), with projections of asymmetrical pseudepiphallic processes; G, H, venation of dorsal and lateral fields of female allotype right FW; I, female allotype subgenital plate, ventral view; J, female allotype copulatory papilla. Scale bars 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 10. Phasmagryllus elegans Desutter-Grandcolas, n. sp., male holotype, genitalia in dorsal (A), ventral (B) and lateral (C) views. Abbreviations see page 3.";