dc:description"FIGURES 1 – 2. Full-face view of the head showing the length of the antennal scape; Fig. 1: scape surpassing the posterior cephalic margin; Fig. 2: scape not surpassing the posterior cephalic margin.";
dc:description"FIGURES 3 – 4. Shape of the clypeus and location of the eyes when head in full-face view; Fig. 3: P. t a v a r a t r a, anterior clypeal margin broadly triangular; eyes breaking the lateral margin of head; Fig. 4: P. c o m ore n s i s, anterior clypeal margin truncate; eyes not breaking the lateral margin of head.";
dc:description"FIGURES 30 – 39. Full-face view of the head and lateral view of the body of the worker caste of Pachycondyla cambouei and its various forms; Figs 30 – 31: Form 4, CASENT 0034474; Figs 32 – 33: Form 5, BLF 0976 (40) - 2; Figs 34 – 35: Form 6, CASENT 0027983.";
dc:description"FIGURES 42 – 47. Full-face view of the head and lateral view of the body of the worker caste. Figs 42 – 43: Pachycondyla perroti, CASENT 0048930; Figs 44 – 45: Pachycondyla planicornis, CASENT 0096369; Figs 46 – 47: Pachycondyla tavaratra, CASENT 0410152.";
dc:description"FIGURES 5 – 6. Antennal scape and leading edge viewed from the back; Fig. 5: basally dorsoventrally flattened and thin in P. planicornis; Fig. 6: subcylindrical and rounded (e. g., P. cambouei).";
dc:description"FIGURES 7 – 8. Petiole in dorsal view; Fig. 7: petiole node anteroposteriorly flattened in P. m a s o a l a, about twice as broad as long; Fig. 8: petiole nodiform, about as long as broad (e. g., P. cambouei).";
dc:description"FIGURES 36 – 41. Full-face view of the head and lateral view of the body of the worker caste. Figs 36 – 37: Form 7 of Pachycondyla cambouei, AntWeb CASENT 0034493; Figs 38 – 39: Pachycondyla comorensis, CASENT 0410164; FigsFigs 40 – 41: Pachycondyla masoala, CASENT 0317384.";
dc:description"FIGURES 15 – 23. Morphological character variation within P. c a m b o u e i. Figs 15 – 17: Head in profile showing the shape of the occipital corner. Fig. 15: Normally rounded in form 1; Fig. 16: Protruding as a lobe in form 2; Fig. 17: Hornlike extension in form 3. Figs 18 – 19: Mesosoma in lateral view showing hairs on propodeal dorsum. Fig. 18: Hairs present in form 1; Fig. 19: Hairs absent in form 4. Figs 20 – 21: Anterodorsal angles of pronotum. Fig. 20: Bidentate in form 5; Fig. 21: Smoothly rounded in form 6. Figs 22 – 23: Sculpture and pubescence on fourth abdominal tergite. Fig. 22: Smooth and shiny between large punctures and pubescence absent (form 1); Fig. 23: With closely-spaced small punctures between large punctures and abundant pubescence (form 6).";
dc:description"FIGURES 48 – 52. Full-face view of the head and lateral view of the body of the worker caste, and form of the femora of the Malagasy Pachycondyla in dorsal view. Figs 48 – 51: Full-face and lateral views of worker: Figs 48 – 49: Pachycondyla vazimba, CASENT 0034562; Figs 50 – 51: Pachycondyla wasmannii, CASENT 0031384; Fig. 52: Dorsal view of P. m a s o a l a showing the flattened basal portion of the femora.";
dc:description"FIGURES 9 – 10. Fourth abdominal tergite in dorsal view; Fig. 9: Anterior half of the fourth abdominal tergite with dense small punctures between larger ones; Fig. 10: Anterior half of the fourth abdominal tergite smooth and shining.";
dc:description"FIGURES 11 – 12. Mesosoma in lateral view; Fig. 11: mesopleural sulcus of P. wasmannii complete; Fig. 12: mesopleural sulcus of P. v a zi m ba indistinct.";
dc:description"FIGURES 13 – 14. Mesosoma in profile; Fig. 13: the dorsal outline of mesosoma forming a continuous convexity in P. perroti; Fig. 14: the dorsal outline of mesosoma showing a distinct blunt angle between the propodeal dorsum and the declivity in P. c a m b o u e i.";
dc:description"FIGURES 24 – 29. Full-face view of the head and lateral view of the body of the worker caste of Pachycondyla cambouei and its various forms; Figs 24 – 25: Form 1, CASENT 0101404; Figs 26 – 27: Form 2, CASENT 0029098; Figs 28 – 29: Form 3, CASENT 0034270.";