dc:title"Persiella Pseudolituus N. Gen., N. Sp., And Flabelloperforata Tarburensis N. Gen., N. Sp., Two New Larger Benthic Foraminifera From The Upper Maastrichtian Of Iran";
dc:description"Fig. 3 Typical microfacies of samples with Flabelloperforata tarburensis n. gen., n. sp (F in a–b), and Persiella pseudolituus n. gen., n. sp. (Ps in c–d), from the upper Maastrichtian Tarbur Formation of the Naghan section, Zagros Zone, SW Iran. a–b Wackestones/packstones with benthic foraminifera, among many porcelaneous and agglutinating taxa such as Dicyclina sp. (Di), Tarburina zagrosiana Schlagintweit, Rashidi & Barani (T), Dictyoconus bakhtiari Schlagintweit, Rashidi & Babadipour (D) and remains of dasycladalean algae (d in b). c Wackestone with small and larger benthic foraminifera and oblique longitudinal section of the dasycladale Pseudocymopolia cf. anadyomenea (Elliott) (P). d Grainstone/packstone with Omphalocyclus macroporus Lamarck (O), Dictyoconella? minima Henson (Dic), and slightly oblique axial section of Persiella pseudolituus n. gen., n. sp. (Ps). Thin-sections: 2NG 81-4 (a), 2NG 120 (b), 2NG 166 (c), 2NG 177 (d).";
dc:description"Fig. 8 Schematic drawing showing differences in the wall structure of Persiella n. gen. and Pseudocyclammina Yokoyama (without scale).";
dc:description"Fig. 12 Persiella pseudolituus n. gen., n. sp. from the upper Maastrichtian of the Tarbur Formation of the Mandegan (a, g, i–j) and Naghan sections (all others), Zagros Zone, SW Iran. a–e, h–i Oblique sections; note the rounded outline of the network in a and b. f Tangential section; note the rounded subepidermal network (lower part). g Almost centered axial section, holotype specimen. j Juvenile specimen showing protoconch connected to the following chamber (?deuteroconch) by numerous openings. Abbreviations: b = beam, p = proloculus, d? = possible deuteroconch, f = foramen, r = rafter, s = septum. Thin-sections: Rt 87 (a), NG 198 (b), 2NG 120-1 (c), 2NG 144 (d), 2NG 113 (e), 2NG 200-1 (f), Rt 113 (SNSB-BSPG 2016 V 16) (g), 2NG 200-1 (h), Rt 113-1 (i), Rt 72 (j).";
dc:description"Fig. 9 Persiella pseudolituus n. gen., n. sp. from the upper Maastrichtian of the Tarbur Formation of the Mandegan (a, e, g) and Naghan sections (all others), Zagros Zone, SW Iran. a–b Equatorial sections. c–d, g Oblique equatorial sections; note tendency to uncoil in the youngest chambers. e–f Oblique equatorial sections of uncoiling specimens. Abbreviations: p = proloculus, d = possible deuteroconch, f = foramen, s = septum. Thin-sections: Rt 113 (a, g), 2NG 191 (b), 2NG 186 (c), 2NG 49 (d), Rt 87-1 (e), NG 196 (f).";
dc:description"Fig. 13 Pseudcyclammina lituus Yokoyama (a–c) compared to Persiella pseudolituus n. gen., n. sp. (d–f). a, d Equatorial sections; b, e axial sections; c, f subaxial-tangential sections. From Hottinger (1967): a = pl. 10, fig. 11 (late Jurassic of Poland), b and c = pl. 10, fig. 12 and fig. 13 (topo-type from Tithonian-Berriasian Torinosu limestone, Japan).";