dc:title"The Mysidae (Crustacea, Mysida) of the ANDEEP I-III expeditions to the Antarctic deep sea with the description of twelve new species, establishment of four new genera and with world-wide keys to the species of Erythropinae and Mysidellinae";
dc:description"Fig. 25. Desmocornea subchelata gen. et sp. nov., holotype, adult female with BL of 18.5 mm (ZMH 64679). A. Habitus, right lateral aspect. B. Anterior half of cephalothorax, left lateral aspect. C–D. Dorsal (C) and ventral (D) aspects of body. E. Pore group near caudal margin of carapace, dorsal view. F. Distal edge of antennal scale, dorsal view. G. Detail of F, showing accessory spines. Abbreviations: mp = mandibular palp;sc = subchelate second thoracic endopod.A–D. Objects artificially separated from background.";
dc:description"Fig. 28. Desmocornea subchelata gen. et sp. nov., holotype, adult female with BL of 18.5 mm (ZMH 64679). A. Carapace and eyes expanded on slide, dorsal view. B. Right antennula, dorsal view. C. Detail of B, showing disto-median lobe of antennular trunk, dorsal view. D. Antenna, its sympod with end sac of antennal gland, ventral view; setae of antennal scale omitted. E. Left mandible, caudal view; palpus accidentally turned to show rostral face. F–G. Masticatory part of right (F) and left (G) mandibles, caudal view. H. Maxillula, caudal view. I. Maxilla, caudal view.";
dc:description"Fig. 26. Eyes in adult Desmocornea subchelata gen. et sp. nov., holotype, adult female with BL of 18.5 mm (ZMH 64679). A. Left eye in loco, lateral view. B. Right eye expanded on slide, dorsal view. C. Ocular papilla of right eye; arrows from panel (B) point to tip of papilla and to scales along ridge running close to papilla.D. Tip of ocular papilla of left eye. Abbreviations: ca = carapace; ll = lateral eye lobe; ml = mesial eye lobe; ob = organ of Bellonci; om = ommatidia; op = ocular papilla; tb = toroidal bulge.";
dc:description"Fig. 27. Eyes in non-adult Desmocornea subchelata gen. et sp. nov., paratypes, immature male with BL of 9.7 mm (A–E: ZMH 64681) and juvenile 5.3 mm (F: ZMH 64680). A–B. Left eye of immature in loco, lateral (A) and dorsal (B) view, prior to dissection. C. Same left eye as above, on slide, ventral view, dashed line enhances contour of self-contained ribbon formed by ommatidia. D–E. Details of panel C, with focus on rhabdom. F. Left eye and rostrum of juvenile, lateral view. Abbreviations: ca = carapace; ll = lateral eye lobe;ml = mesial eye lobe; op = ocular papilla; rh = rhabdom; ro = rostrum.";
dc:description"Fig. 29. Desmocornea subchelata gen. et sp. nov., holotype, adult female with BL of 18.5 mm (ZMH 64679). A. Labrum, ventral = aboral view. B–E. Modified spines of foregut, namely from anterior (B, variants labeled B1–B3), median (C) and posterior (D) parts of lateralia and from dorsolateral infolding (E). F. Labium, obliquely caudal view. G. Thoracopod 1 with epipod and part of sternites 1–2, caudal view. H. Detail of G, showing dactylus with nail, setae omitted. I. Thoracic endopod 2, rostral view. J. Detail of I, showing dactylus with nail, setae omitted. K. Oostegite 2, outer face.";
dc:description"Fig. 30. Pleopods and tail fan in Desmocornea subchelata gen. et sp. nov., holotype, adult female with BL of 18.5 mm (ZMH 64679).A. Pleopod 1, lateral = rostral.B. Pleopod 3, mesial = caudal.C. Pleopod 4, mesial view, many setae broken. D. Pleopod 5, lateral view, many setae broken. E. Uropods, dorsal view, setae omitted. F. Telson, dorsal view. G. Detail of F, showing left subbasal pore field. H. Detail of F, showing part of mid-terminal armature.";
dc:description"Fig. 1. Dactylamblyops murrayi W.M. Tattersall, 1939, adult female with BL of 15.6 mm. A. Distal ⅔ of right eye, dorsal view. B. Ommatidia, ventral view. C. Tip of ocular papilla, dorsal view. D. Right eye, lateral view. E. Antennal peduncle, ventral view. F. Telson, dorsal view.";
dc:description"Fig. 2. Dactylamblyops murrayi W.M. Tattersall, 1939, adult female with BL of 15.6 mm. A. Oostegite 1, inner face. B. Detail of A, showing flagellate seta. C. Oostegite 2, inner face. D. Uropods, ventral view, setae omitted.";
dc:description"Fig. 3. Dactylamblyops benthophilus sp. nov. A–B. Cephalon of paratype, adult male with BL of 19.9 mm, dorsal (A) and ventral (B) views (ZMH 64673). C. Paratype, adult female 25.4 mm long, lateral view (ZMH 64672). D. Holotype, adult male 22.6 mm long, lateral view (ZMH 64669). A–D. Objects artificially separated from background.";