dc:creator"Austin, William C.; Ott, Bruce S.; Reiswig, Henry M.; Romagosa, Paula; G, Neil";
dc:title"Taxonomic review of Hadromerida (Porifera, Demospongiae) from British Columbia, Canada, and adjacent waters, with the description of nine new species";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Polymastia pachymastia de Laubenfels, 1932. A, fistulae expanded and oscula open, scale bar approx. 1 cm; B, fistulae contracted and oscula closed, scale bar approx. 1 cm; C, yellow specimen, scale bar approx. 1 cm; D, large specimen, scale bar approx. 10 cm; E, SEM cross section showing palisade of small tylostyles in ectosome, and long styles extending beyond ectosome, scale bar 1 cm; F, style I, scale bar 500 µm; G, head of style I, scale bar 20 Μm; H, tylostyle I, scale bar 100 µm; I, tylostyle I head, scale bar 30 µm; J, tylostyle III, scale bar 300 µm; K, head and foot of tylostyle III, scale bar 100 Μm; L, tylostyle II, scale bar 50 Μm; M, head of tylostyle II, scale bar 10 Μm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Multifistulate Polymastia spp. in the NW Pacific. Numbers, form and size of fistulae. Scale bar, 3 cm on all but C where scale bar 5 cm. A, P. kurilensis Koltun; B, P. laganoides Burton; C, P. fluegeli Lehnert et al.; D, large P. toporoki Koltun; E, small P. toporoki; F, P. affinis Thiele, fistulae contracted; G, P. affinis, fistulae expanded. A, D – G from Koltun 1966; B from Lambe 1895, courtesy Royal Society of Canada; C from Stone et al. 2011.";