dc:description"Figure 2. Outlines of leaves of southern Asian Vincetoxicum. All illustrated specimens are housed at RAW. The first image in each pair corresponds to the adaxial surface and the second to the abaxial surface. All leaves have been taken from the middle of the stem A, B Vincetoxicum sp. aff. arnottianum from S. A. Shah SAS- 9 C, D Vincetoxicum sp. aff. arnottianum from S. A. Shah SAS- 46 E, F Vincetoxicum sp. aff. arnottianum from R. Khan SAS- 41 G, H V. arnottianum from S. A. Shah & F. Rahman SAS- 3 I, J V. arnottianum from S. A. Shah & B. Ali SAS- 4 K, L V. cabulicum from D. Podlech 15814 M, N V. cardiostephanum from S. A. Shah, M. Turi et al. SAS- 40 O, P V. kenouriense from S. A. Shah & L. Ahmad SAS- 37 Q, R V. lenifolium from S. A. Shah SAS- 44 S, T V. luridum from S. A. Shah & I. Ahmad SAS- 23 U, V V. lenifolium from N. Ali 1029 W, X V. sakesarense from I. Ahmad 27821 Y, Z V. stewartianum from R. R. Stewart 16709 AA, AB V. stocksii from B. Gul, N. Khan et al. SAS- 21 AC, AD V. subcanescens from A. Sultan, Z. Saqib et al. SAS- 52 AE, AF V. subcanescens from S. A. Shah & A. Ullah SAS- 8. Drawing by M. Saleem and S. A. Shah.";
dc:description"Figure 3. Illustration of corona types observed in southern Asian Vincetoxicum. The dark coloured shapes show corona lobes A Vincetoxicum arnottianum from S. A. Shah & B. Ali SAS- 4 (RAW) B V. cabulicum from W. Koelz 11764 (US) C V. cardiostephanum from S. A. Shah, M. Turi et al. SAS- 40 (RAW) D V. glaucum from W. Dudeeon & L. A. Kenoyer 56 (MO) E V. kenouriense from S. A. Shah & L. Ahmad SAS- 37 (RAW) F V. lenifolium from S. A. Shah SAS- 44 (RAW) G V. luridum from S. A. Shah & I. Ahmad SAS- 23 (RAW) H A variable specimen of V. lenifolium from N. Ali 1029 (RAW) I V. sakesarense from I. Ahmad 27821 (RAW) J V. stewartianum from R. R. Stewart 16709 (RAW) K V. stocksii from J. F. Duthie 18918 (RAW) L V. subcanescens from S. A. Shah & A. Ullah SAS- 8 (RAW). Drawing by M. Saleem and S. A. Shah.";
dc:description"Figure 4. Pollinaria of southern Asian Vincetoxicum A, B V. arnottianum C V. cabulicum D, E V. cardiostephanum F V. glaucum G, H V. kenouriense I, J V. lenifolium K, L V. luridum M V. lenifolium N, O V. sakesarense P V. stewartianum Q, R V. stocksii S, T V. subcanescens.";
dc:description"Figure 14. Vincetoxicum stewartianum illustrated by M. Saleem from R. R. Stewart 16709 (RAW) A plant B adaxial surface of leaf C abaxial surface of leaf D corona.";