dc:creator"Ellenrieder, Natalia Von; Gill, Raymond J.";
dc:title"The genus Tetralicia Harrison (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aleyrodidae) in California, U. S. A., with the description of five new species and a redescription of Tetralicia granulata Sampson & Drews, 1941";
dc:description"FIGURE 82. Tetralicia eriogonum, San Joaquin Co., 7 mi SW of Tracy, on Eriogonum: Habitus. Note that puparium (also depicted in Fig. 83) is distorted on slide, with deflexed margin folded outwardly so that apparent margin is not marginal and folded ventrally upon itself with teeth on true margin directed outwardly rather than medially.";
dc:description"FIGURES 83–88. Tetralicia eriogonum: 83: San Joaquin Co., 7 mi SW of Tracy, on Eriogonum; 84, 85: Los Angeles Co., Monrovia, on E. fasciculatum; 86, 87: Los Angeles Co., 3 mi S of Gorman, on E. fasciculatum; 88: San Bernardino Co., Highway 91 to Las Vegas, on E. fasciculatum ssp. polifolium. 83: Dorsal submargin and disc of thorax; 84: Venter of thorax; 85: Detail ventral submargin; 86: Medial area of A1–A5; 87: Dorsal submargin and disc of abdomen; 88: Detail caudal end.";
dc:description"FIGURES 128–133. Tetralicia laingi: 128, 129, 132, 133: Neotype; 130, 131: San Diego Co., highway 76 at E boundary of La Jolla Indian Reservation, on Salvia apiana. 128: Dorsal disc and submargin of thorax; 129: Deflexed submargin; 130: Detail venter of T2 and T3; 131: Detail vasiform orifice; 132: Dorsal disc and submargin of abdomen; 133: Caudal end of abdomen, ventral view.";
dc:description"FIGURES 144–150. Tetralicia mexicana: 144, 146, 149, 150: Sierra Madre, on Quercus; 145, 148: San Bernardino County, New York Mountains of E San Bernadino Co., on Quercus turbinella; 147, 149: California, on oak. 144, 145: Dorsal disc and submargin of cephalothorax; 147: Dorsal submargin; 147: Venter of T1–T3; 148: Dorsal disc of A3–A8; 149: Caudal end of abdomen, dorsal view; 150: Caudal end of abdomen, ventral view.";
dc:description"FIGURES 189–194. Tetralicia salsolae sp. nov.: 189–193: Holotype: 194: Paratype, same data as holotype but 22.ix.1994. 189: Cephalothorax, dorsal disc; 190: Detail of dorsal disc and submargin; 191: Dorsal disc and submargin of abdomen; 192: Detail of deflexed submargin; 193: Venter T2 and T3; 194: Detail of tracheal cleft.";
dc:description"FIGURES 195–200. Tetralicia salsolae sp. nov.: 195, 196: Holotype; 197–200: Paratypes, same data as holotype but 22.ix.1994. 195, 197: Caudal end of abdomen, dorsal view; 196, 198: Caudal end of abdomen, ventral view; 199: Caudal end of abdomen; 200: Detail VO, dorsal view. Note: operculum (OP) and lingula (Li) are directed anteriorly in Fig. 182.";
dc:description"FIGURES 5–8. Puparia of Tetralicia in situ: 5: T. ceanothi, San Bernardino Co., Mountain Home Village, Mill Creek. 6: T. ceanothi, San Joaquin Co., Lake Camanche, on Arctostaphylos; 7: T. coachellensis, Riverside Co., Coachella, on arrowwood; 8: T. eriogonum, San Joaquin Co., 7 mi SW of Tracy, on Eriogonum; Figs 5, 6, 8 by R.J. Gill, 7 by N. von Ellenrieder & R.W. Garrison.";
dc:description"FIGURES 17–20. Tetralicia in situ: 17–19: puparia; 20: adult. 17: T. laingi, San Diego Co., highway 76 at E boundary of La Jolla Indian Reservation, on Salvia apiana; 18, 19: T. lantanae sp. nov., Riverside Co., University of California Riverside, on Lantana, 18: dorsal view, 19: dorsolateral view; 20: T. lantanae sp. nov., San Diego Co., Chula Vista, on Lantana, 22.viii.1992, J. Kenyon coll. [no voucher available]. Figs 17, 20 by R.J. Gill, 18, 19 by N. von Ellenrieder & R.W. Garrison.";
dc:description"FIGURES 21–24. Puparia of Tetralicia in situ: 21, 22: T. nigrans, Yolo Co., Rumsey, on Heteromeles arbutifolia [no voucher available]; 23, 24: T. oblanceolata, Los Angeles Co., Hungry Valley Road, on Rhamnus. Figs 21–24 by R.J. Gill.";
dc:description"FIGURES 53–58. Tetralicia ceanothi: 53, 56: Paratype?; 54: Los Angeles Co., Arcadia, on Ceanothus cyaneus; 55: Amador Co., W of Drytown on Highway 16, on Ceanothus; 57: Orange Co., Rancho Capistrano, on manzanita; 58: San Diego Co., San Diego, on Eriogonum. 53: Dorsal disc of thorax; 54, 55: Detail dorsum of T2 and T3; 56–58: Dorsal submargin and dorsal disc of A1–A5.";
dc:description"FIGURES 136–141. Tetralicia lantanae sp. nov.: 136–139: Holotype; 140: Paratype, San Diego Co., San Diego, on Lantana; 141: Paratype, Orange Co., Anaheim, on Lantana. 136: Dorsal disc of thorax; 137: Dorsal disc and submargin of A1–A6; 138: Venter of T2 and T3; 139: Caudal end of abdomen, dorsal view; 140: Detail VO; 141: Caudal end of abdomen, dorsolateral view.";
dc:description"FIGURES 177–182. Tetralicia ornata: 177: San Bernardino Co., Highland, on yerba santa; 178, 182: Neotype; 179–181: San Bernardino Co., 4 mi E of Mentone. 177: Cephalothorax, dorsal disc; 178: Detail of dorsal submargin; 179: Detail of deflexed submargin; 180: Venter T2 and T3; 181: Detail of A1–A3 dorsal disc and submargin; 182: Detail of A3–A7 dorsal disc.";
dc:description"FIGURES 203–209. Tetralicia sierrae: 203, 205, 207, 208: Paratypes?; 204, 206, 209: Mariposa Co., between Crow and Signal Peaks, on Ceanothus parvifolius. 203: Cephalothoracic dorsal disc and submargin; 204: Venter T2 and T3; 205: Dorsal disc and submargin of abdomen; 206: Detail of deflexed submargin; 207, 208: Caudal end of abdomen, dorsal view; 209: Caudal end of abdomen, ventral view.";
dc:description"FIGURES 13–16. Puparia of Tetralicia in situ: 13, 14: T. hoelmeri, Riverside Co.,Agua Caliente Indian Reservation, Palm Springs, on native shrub, 13: dorsal view, 14: posterior view; 15: T. hyptisemoryi, Imperial Co., Shell Canyon, on desert lavender, dorsolateral view; 16: T. laingi, Orange Co., Trabuco, on Salvia. Figs 13–16 by N. von Ellenrieder & R.W. Garrison.";
dc:description"FIGURE 52. Tetralicia ceanothi, Amador Co., W of Drytown on Highway 16, on Ceanothus: Habitus. Note that puparium is distorted on slide, with deflexed margin folded outwardly so that apparent margin is not marginal.";
dc:description"FIGURES 65–68. Tetralicia ceanothi: 65: Paratype?; 66: Orange Co., Rancho Capistrano, on manzanita; 67: San Diego Co., San Felipe, Junction of Highways 52 & 522, on manzanita; 68: San Diego Co., San Diego, on Eriogonum. 65–68: Detail caudal end, dorsal view.";
dc:description"FIGURES 183–186. Tetralicia ornata, caudal end of puparium, dorsal view. 183, 185: Neotype; 184: San Bernardino Co., Mentone, Eriodictyon; 186: San Bernardino Co., 4 mi E of Mentone.";
dc:description"FIGURE 151. Tetralicia nevadensis, San Bernardino Co., New York Mountains of E San Bernadino Co., on Quercus turbinella: Habitus of puparium.";
dc:description"FIGURES 153–158. Tetralicia nevadensis: 153, 155: Nevada, Clark Co., Paratype, Red Rock Canyon, Sand Stone Quarry, on Quercus; 154, 156, 158: Arizona, Maricopa Co., Phoenix, Mezetzal Mountains, on oak; 157: San Bernardino Co., New York Mountains of E San Bernadino Co., on Quercus turbinella. 153: Dorsal disc and submargin of cephalothorax; 154: Deflexed submargin of T2–T3; 155: Dorsum of abdomen; 156: Venter of T1–T3; 157, 158: Caudal end of abdomen, dorsal view.";
dc:description"FIGURES 161–167. Tetralicia nigrans: 161–166: Orange Co., Trabuco Canyon, on manzanita, #12; 167: Napa Co., Santa Helena, on Arbutus menziesii. 161: Dorsal disc of T2 and T3; 162: Dorsal disc and submargin of cephalothorax; 163: Venter of T1–T3; 164: Deflexed submargin; 165: Dorsal disc of A1–A5; 166, 167: Caudal end of abdomen, dorsal view.";
dc:description"FIGURES 1–4. Puparia of Tetralicia in situ: 1: T. abnormis, Santa Barbara Co., Los Olivos, on Quercus agrifolia; 2, 3: T. acaudata, 2: Riverside Co., Tin Canyon, on manzanita, 3: San Bernardino Co., Mountain Home Village, Mill Creek Canyon, on manzanita; 4: T. agrifoliae, Riverside Co., Blue Jay Road & Ortega highway, on Quercus agrifolia. Fig. 2, by N. von Ellenrieder & R.W. Garrison, 1, 3, 4 by R.J. Gill.";
dc:description"FIGURES 9–12. Puparia of Tetralicia in situ: 9, 10: T. fouquieriasplendens, Riverside Co., Palm Desert, Living Desert Museum, on Fouquieira digetii, 9: dorsal view, 10: dorsolateral view. 11, 12: T. guajavae, Orange Co., Santa Ana, on Psidium guajava, 11: dorsal view, 12: ventral view. Figs 9–12 by N. von Ellenrieder & R.W. Garrison.";