dc:description"FIGURE 6. Asteroporpa (Asteromoana) koyoae sp. nov., holotype (NSMT E- 6341 - A). A, aboral disc and basal portion of the arm; B, oral disc and basal portion of the arm; C, aboral periphery of the disc; D, plate-shaped dermal ossicles at the periphery of the radial shield; E, aboral central part of the disc; F, oral disc; G, periphery of the oral disc, a cone-shaped dermal ossicle is indicated by an arrow; H, a jaw.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Asteroporpa (Asteromoana) koyoae sp. nov., holotype (NSMT E- 6341 - A). A, lateral interradius of the disc; B, a madreporite; C, aboral view of basal portion of the arm; D, oral view of basal portion of the arm; E – G, middle portion of the arm, aboral view (E), oral view (F) and lateral view (G); H, lateral view of distal portion of the arm. Abbreviations: AS, arm spine; GS, genital slit; M, madreporite. Arrows indicate transverse rows of hooklet-bearing plates (C, E, G – H).";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Asteroporpa (Asteromoana) koyoae sp. nov., one paratype (NSMT E- 6341 - B). SEM photographs of internal ossicles. A – B, a hooklet-bearing plate (A) and a hooklet (B) at the aboral periphery of the disc; C – D, plate-shaped dermal ossicles at the periphery of the radial shields, external (C) and lateral (D) views; E – F, cone-shaped dermal ossicles at the aboral periphery of the disc, external (E) and lateral (F) views; G, a hooklet at the basal portion of the arm; H – I, diamond-shaped dermal ossicles at the aboral basal portion of the arm, external (H) and lateral (I) views. Arrows indicate the orientation (D, F, I): ext, external side; int, internal side.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Asteroporpa (Asteromoana) koyoae sp. nov., one paratype (NSMT E- 6341 - B). SEM photographs of arm spines. A – B, arm spines from one tentacle pore at the basal portion of the arm, inner most (A) and outer most (B); C, outer most arm spine at the middle portion of the arm; D, an arm spine at the distal portion of the arm with an arc indicating reticular structure.";