dc:description"Figures 780–787: Scorpiops thailandus sp. n. Figures 780, 782, 784–787. Male holotype, carapace and tergites I–III (780), coxosternal area and sternites (782), left legs I–IV, retrolateral aspect (784–787 respectively). Figures 781, 783. Female paratype, carapace and tergites I–IV (781), and coxosternal area and sternites III–IV (783).";
dc:description"Figures 788–792: Comparison males of three similar species Scorpiops farkaci (788, 790), S. thailandus sp. n. (789, 791), and S. phatoensis sp. n. (792). Figures 788–789. Pedipalp chela internal views. Figures 790–792. Movable finger dentition under UV light.";
dc:description"Figures 808–815: Male karyotypes of scorpiopid species based on postpachytene. Figure 808. Scorpiops oligotrichus (2n=105, 51II+III). Figure 809. Scorpiops pakseensis sp. n. (2n=87, 42II+III). Figure 810. Scorpiops phatoensis sp. n. (2n=105, 51II+III). Figure 811. Scorpiops problematicus (2n=97, 47II+III). Figure 812. Scorpiops schumacheri sp. n. (2n=63, 60II+III). Figure 813. Scorpiops sherwoodae sp. n. (2n=104, 52II). Figure 814. Scorpiops thailandus sp. n. (2n=147, 72II+III). Figure 815. Scorpiops thaomischi (2n=94, 47II). Insets show the location of 18S rDNA (red signal) on the same chromosome as in the karyogram (ppach) and additionally on chromosomes during pachytene (pach) or metaphase II (met II). Abbreviation of postpachytene configuration: II – bivalent, III – trivalent. Scale bar: 10 μm.";
dc:description"Figures 797–798: Scorpiops thailandus sp. n., male paratype shortly after adulthood (fifth) ecdysis (797) and locality Thailand, Nam Nao (798).";
dc:description"Figures 10–20: Scorpiops spp., pedipalp chela external (10–16, 18 and 20) and dorsal (17 and 19) views. Trichobothria Dt and Eb are 3 indicated by white open circles. Figures 10–14. S. montanus, juvenile, holotype, ZMHB (10), female (11) and male reared from litter of female 11 (12), India, Uttarakhand State, Dhika forest, 29.65°N 78.94°E, FKCP, female (13) and male (14) from India, Uttarakhand State, Rishikesh, 30.13°N 78.32°E, FKCP. In the juvenile holotype, Eb 3 is located distal to Dt (Fig. 10); in the female from Dhika forest, Eb 3 is located slightly distal to Dt (Fig. 11) but the male from her litter has Eb 3 proximal to Dt (Fig. 12); in both specimens from Rishikesh, Eb 3 is proximal to Dt but its relative position differs between individuals (Figs. 13–14). Figure 15. S. hardwickii, female, India, Uttaranchal State, ca. 30 km of Bageshwar, SE of Dhakuri vill., 2600–2800 m a. s. l., FKCP. Figure 16. S. asthenurus, male, India, Meghalaya State, Nong Poh env., FKCP. Figures 17–18. S. petersii, male, India, Himachal Pradesh State, Molta, FKCP. Figures 19–20. S. vonwicki, female, holotype, ZISP.";
dc:description"Figures 754–757: Scorpiops thailandus sp. n. Figures 754–755. Male holotype in dorsal (754) and ventral (755) views. Figures 756–757. Female paratype in dorsal (756) and ventral (757) views. Scale bar: 10 mm.";