dc:description"FIGURES 2 A – L. Nesodiprion biremis (A – F) and N. orientalis (G – L). N. biremis: A, B, Female, lectotype, dorsolateral and ventrolateral views; C, D, female, Guizhou Prov., Chishui, dorsal and ventral views; E, F, male, Guangdong Prov., Ruyuan, dorsal and ventral views. N. orientalis: G, H, Female, paratype, Thailand, Bo Luang, dorsal and ventrolateral views; I – L, male, holotype; I, J, dorsolateral and ventrolateral views; K, center of J; L, cocoon.";
dc:description"FIGURES 6 A – E. Antenna of Nesodiprion japonicus (A, B), N. biremis (C, D) and N. orientalis (E). A, C – E, Female; B, male. A, E, Outer lateral view; B – D, inner lateral view. D, E, Reversed images. N. japonicus: A, Amami-oshima; B, lectotype. N. biremis: C, Lectotype; D, Zhejiang Prov., Anji. N. orientalis: E, paratype, Thailand, Bo Luang.";
dc:description"FIGURES 3 A – L. Head of Nesodiprion japonicus (A – D), N. biremis (E – H) and N. orientalis (I – L). A, E, I, Head, female, dorsal view; C, G, K, do., male; B, F, J, dorsum of head, female, dorsolateral view; D, H, L, do., male. N. japonicus: A, Amami-oshima; B, paralectotype, Honshu, Gifu; C, D, lectotype. N. biremis: E, F, Lectotype; G, H, Guangdong Prov., Ruyuan. N. orientalis: I, J, Paratype, Thailand, Bo Luang; K, L, holotype.";
dc:description"FIGURES 4 A – L. Thorax of Nesodiprion japonicus (A – D), N. biremis (E – H) and N. orientalis (I – L). A, E, I, Posterior part of mesoscutum and mesoscutellum, female, dorsal view; C, G, K, do., male; B, F, J, mesepisternum, female, lateral view; D, H, L, do., male. N. japonicus: A, B, Amami-oshima; C, lectotype; D, Honshu, Fukushima Pref. N. biremis: E, F, Lectotype; G, H, Guangdong prov., Ruyuan. N. orientalis: I, J, Paratype, Thailand, Bo Luang; K, L, holotype.";
dc:description"FIGURES 5 A – I. First abdominal tergum of Nesodiprion japonicus (A – C), N. biremis (D – F) and N. orientalis (G – I). A, D, E, G, H, Female; B, C, F, I, male. A, G, H, I, Reversed images. N. japonicus: A, Honshu, Zu; B, lectotype; C, Korea, Tokchomkogae. N. biremis: D, Lectotype; E, Zhejiang prov., Anji; F, Guangdong Prov., Ruyuan. N. orientalis: G, H, Paratypes, Thailand, Bo Luang; I, holotype.";
dc:description"FIGURES 7 A – F. Apex of tibia and basal tarsomeres of hind leg of Nesodiprion japonicus (A, B), N. biremis (C, D) and N. orientalis (E, F), anterior view. A, C, E, Female; B, D, F, male. Small br in B indicates breadth. C, D, Reversed images. N. japonicus: A, Amami-oshima; B, Okinawa-jima. N. biremis: C, Lectotype; D, Guangdong Prov., Ruyuan. N. orientalis: E, Paratype, Thailand, Bo Luang; F, paratype, Thailand, “ Pine. Res. C. ”.";
dc:description"FIGURES 9 A – D. Saw of Nesodiprion japonicus (A, B), N. biremis (C) and N. orientalis (D). A, B, Lance, dorsal and lateral views; C, D, saw, lateral view. B – D, Reversed images. N. japonicus: A, B, Amami-oshima. N. biremis: C, Zhejiang Prov., Anji. N. orientalis: D, Paratype, Thailand, Bo Luang.";
dc:description"FIGURES 11 A – L. Lancet of Nesodiprion biremis. A – E, Lancet; F – L, serrula of second annulus. Small 2 in A indicates the second annulus. B, H, E, K, Reversed images. A, F, Lectotype; B, G, H, Shandong Prov., Taian; C, I, Zhejiang Prov., Anji; D. J, Guizhou Prov., Chishui; E, K, L, Jiangxi Prov., “ Ku-ling ”.";
dc:description"FIGURES 13 A – M. Male genitalia of Nesodiprion japonicus (A – E), N. biremis (F – I) and N. orientalis (J – M). A, C – F, H – J, Male genitalia, dorsal view; B, G, K, do., ventral view; L, M, right penis valve, dorsal view. N. japonicus: A, B, Lectotype; C, Amamioshima; D, Korea, Iksan; E, Taiwan. N. biremis: F, G, Guangdong prov., Ruyuan; H, Zhejiang Prov., Anji; I, Shandong Prov., Taian. N. orientalis: J, K, Holotype; L, paratype, Thailand, “ Pine Res. C. ”; M, Yunnan Prov., Anning.";
dc:description"FIGURES 14 A – J. Penis valve of Nesodiprion japonicus (A – D), N. biremis (E – G) and N. orientalis (H – J), lateral view. I, J, Reversed images. N. japonicus: A, Lectotype; B, Amami-oshima; C, Korea, Iksan; D, Taiwan. N. biremis: E, Guangdong prov., Ruyuan; F, Zhejiang Prov., Anji; G, Shandong Prov., Taian. N. orientalis: H, Holotype; I, paratype, Thailand, “ Pine Res. C. ”; J, Yunnan Prov., Anning.";
dc:description"FIGURES 10 A – L. Lancet of Nesodiprion japonicus. A – E, Lancet; F – L, serrula of second annulus. Small 2 in A indicates second annulus. D, I, L, Reversed images. A, F, Hokkaido, Mori; B, G, Honshu, Kyoto; C, H, Amami-oshima; D, I, J, Korea, Chuncheon; E, K, L, Taiwan.";
dc:description"FIGURES 16 A – G. Nesodiprion sp. (? huanglongshanicus) (A – E) and N. kagaensis (F, G) A, Posterior part of mesoscutum and mesoscutellum, female, dorsal view; B, sawsheath and cercus, dorsal view (left sawsheath removed); C, lancet; D, F, male genitalia, dorsal view; E, G, penis valve, lateral view (left dorsal). Small 2 in C indicates the second annulus. N. sp.: A – C, Taiwan, Riyuetan; D, E, do. N. kagaensis: F, G, Honshu, Morioka.";
dc:description"FIGURES 15 A – C. Nesodiprion degenicus. A, Lancet; B, C, penis valve, dorsal view and lateral view (left dorsal). Small 2 in A indicates the second annulus. A, Yunnan Prov., Tengchong; B, C, do.";