dc:description"FIGURES 1–9. General appearance of Acantholycosa sayanensis (1–2), A. kulikovi sp. n. (3), A. levinae (4–5), A. sergeevi sp. n. (6), Mongolicosa lizae sp. n. (8–9) and leg I of A. sergeevi sp. n. (7). 1, 4, 6, 8—male, dorsal; 2, 3, 5, 9—female, dorsal; 7—leg I of male, prolateral. Scale bars=2 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURES 10–19. Male palp (10–13) and bulb (14–19) of Acantholycosa sergeevi sp. n. (10–11), A. sayanensis (14–15), A. sidorovi sp. n. (16–17), A. levinae (18-19) and Mongolicosa lizae sp. n. (12–13). 10, 12—retrolateral; 11, 13, 14, 16, 18— ventral; 15, 17, 19—anterior. Scale bars=0.2 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURES 44–53. Tegulum and subtegulum (44–45, 52–53), bulb (46–48) and embolic division (49–51) of Acantholycosa sergeevi sp. n. (44–45) and Mongolicosa lizae sp. n. (46–53). 44, 46, 49, 52—ventral; 45, 47, 50, 53—anterior; 48, 51— retrolateral. Scale bars=0.2 mm. Abbreviations: Aa apical arm of the tegular apophysis, Ba basal arm of the tegular apophysis, Em embolus, Pl palea, Sd sperm duct, Ta terminal apophysis, Tg tegular apophysis.";
dc:description"FIGURES 63–71. Epigyne and female internal genitalia of Acantholycosa kulikovi sp. n. (63–65), A. levinae (66–68) and Mongolicosa lizae sp. n. (69–71). 63, 66, 69—intact, ventral; 64, 67, 70—macerated, ventral; 65, 68, 71—macerated, dorsal. Scale bars=0.2 mm. Abbreviations: Al apical lips of the epigyne, Ap apical pocket, Cd copulatory ducts, Fo epigynal fovea, Li lip of the epigyne, Re receptacle, Sa septal base arm, Sb septal base, Ss septal stem.";
dc:description"FIGURES 72–77. Male of Acantholycosa sayanensis from Borus Mt. Range (72), female of Acantholycosa sp. (A. azyuzini or A. levinae) with egg sac, from Katunskyi Mt. Range (73), habitat of A. sayanensis and A. sergeevi sp. n. in Borus Mt. Range (74), collecting localities of studied species from the Acantholycosa-complex (75–76) and map showing the main mountain systems of South Siberia and adjacent regions (77). Diamond—A. sayanensis, square—A. sidorovi sp. n., triangle—A. kulikovi sp. n., star—A. levinae, circle—A. sergeevi sp. n., inverted triangle—Mongolicosa lizae sp. n. The frame of Fig. 76 refers to the content of Fig. 75.";