dc:title"Channa pseudomarulius, a valid species of snakehead from the Western Ghats region of peninsular India (Teleostei: Channidae), with comments on Ophicephalus grandinosus, O. theophrasti and O. leucopunctatus";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Channa pseudomarulius, colouration in life. Juvenile (A), KUFOS 2017. KUT. 15, ca. 55 mm SL, Kerala, Kuttiyadi river; juvenile (B) ca. 80 mm SL, Kerala, Irrity, not preserved; subadult (C), 164 mm SL, Kerala, Pamba River, not preserved.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Bar graphs of selected meristic characters illustrating differences between Channa pseudomarulius and C. marulius (data includes lectotype of O. grandinosus and holotype of O. theophrasti as C. marulius).";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Scatter plot of head length versus standard length, loess lines show trend for each species. The appearance of larger head sizes in Channa pseudomarulius specimens is related to the shorter body of this species in comparison to C. marulius, as reflected by lower vertebral, lateral line scale, and dorsal- and anal-fin ray counts (see Figure 7). This difference in head size is especially apparent when comparing larger specimens (> 200 mm).";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Median-joining networks show the hypothesised evolutionary relationships between CO 1 haplotypes (615 bps) for Channa pseudomarulius (left) and C. marulius (right). In each network, circles represent individual haplotypes, lines between haplotypes represent single base pair mutations, and small filled circles represent hypothesised intermediate haplotypes not sampled in this study. There was a minimum of 49 mutational differences between haplotypes from each species. Colour of each haplotype corresponds to geographical locations illustrated on map of Indian subcontinent, unfilled circles represent haplotypes that were observed in samples of unverified origin (all C. pseudomarulius were from Kerala / South India, the unverified C. marulius was reportedly from an unknown location in Andhra Pradesh).";