dc:title"Cyclacanthia n. g. (Demospongiae: Poecilosclerida: Latrunculiidae incertea sedis), a new genus of marine sponges from South African waters, and description of two new species";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Morphology and ontogenetic development of microscleres of Latrunculiidae: A. Ontogeny of Latrunculia [BMNH 1887.5. 2.237, Latrunculia bocagei Ridley and Dendy, 1886 (from Samaai and Kelly, 2002)] B. Ontogeny of Tsitsikamma [BMNH 1997.7. 3.2, Tsitsikamma favus Samaai and Kelly, 2002]. C. Ontogeny of Sceptrella [BMNH 1870.5. 3.22 Sceptrella regalis Schmidt, 1870 (from Samaai & Kelly 2002)]; D. Ontogeny of Cyclacanthia [SAMH 5082, Cyclacanthia mzimayensis sp. nov.]; E. Isospinodiscorhabd of C. cloverlyae sp. nov. [SAM H 5080]; F. Isospinodiscorhabd of C. bellae Samaai & Kelly [BMNH 2003.1.10.1]; G – H, Isospinodiscorhabd of C. mzimayiensis sp. nov. [SAM H 5082 and SAM H 5081].";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. A. Gross morphology of genus holotype Cyclacanthia bellae Samaai & Kelly [BMNH 2003.1.10.1]; B. Gross morphology of C. cloverlyae sp. nov. [SAMH 5080]; C – D. Gross morphology of C. mzimayiensis sp. nov. [SAMH 5082 and SAM H 5081]; E – F. Gross skeletal architecture of the holotype, C. bellae, showing several large tracts in cross section, tangential ectosomal skeleton, and the abundant interstitial microscleres.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. A. Styles of C. bellae Samaai & Kelly [BMNH 2003.1.10.1]; B. Styles of C. cloverlyae sp. nov. [SAMH 5080]; C, D. Styles of U. mzimayiensis sp. nov. [SAMH 5082 and SAMH 5081]; E. Close up view of the proximal and distal ends of the style as found in C. cloverlyae sp. nov.; F, G. Close up view of the proximal and distal ends of the style as found in C .. mzimayiensis sp. nov ..";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Skeletal architecture showing massive choanosomal tracts and tangential ectosome, and irregular palisade of microscleres: A – B. C. cloverlyae sp. nov. [SAMH 5080]; C – D. C. mzimayiensis sp. nov. [SAMH 5082]; E – F. C. mzimayiensis sp. nov. [SAM H 5081];";